问题 单项选择题

Jet lag is back on the agenda for business travelers, especially as long-haul international traffic picks up again.

There is endless advice online about jet lag. Drugs are frequently mentioned, and a recent favorite is Nuvigil, used to treat excessive sleepiness. Nuvigil’s manufacturer, Cephablon, has so far not succeeded in obtaining government approval for its plan to market the drug as a remedy forjet lag.

But the approach I hear most often from long-haul travelers involves diet and preparation. " Why would you take a pill that your body then has to shake off " said Lynne Waller Scanlon, the author, with Charles F. Ehret, of Overcoming Jet Lag, which was a best seller in the mid-1980s but went out of print until she revised and republished it last year under a snappier title, The Cure for Jet Lag.

The book lays out a treatment system for jet lag based on pre-trip diet and conditioning to reset the body’s internal clock. The book suggests resetting the body clock so that it will be in sync with the time at the destination. One to three days before a trip, the authors suggest low-calorie meals. In flight, avoid or strictly limit alcohol, and use coffee or tea to persuade the body clock that it’s daytime. If it’s morning after flying all night, resist sleep and " flood your eyes with daylight " , they suggest.

While all long-haul travel can cause normal fatigue, travel across time zones causes the body to react with the most pronounced effects of jet lag, including disorientation and a general sense of discomfort.

In the last few years, the global airlines have put more emphasis on accommodating the need for in-flight sleep—at least in the business and first—class cabins, where international airlines earn most of their revenue. But at the same time, international airlines also promote extensive in-flight entertainment selections, as well as high-end menus, including quality wine lists, in premium classes. Indulging in these would seem to work against dietary treatment to combat jet lag. But Ms. Scanlon says recovery is nevertheless attainable.

" What do you do if you can’t implement this program ahead of the trip, or if you’ve blown it and had a complete debauch on the plane " she said, " Well, when you get off that plane, you get on the program right away. It may not be perfect, but you will feel much, much better.

According to the passage, the most popular way for treatingjet lag is probably()

A. taking drugs

B. adjusting diet and preparing before hand

C. consulting a doctor

D. drinking coffee orteainflight






文化是庞大的集合体,可以有不同的划分标准.按社区标准划分,中国传统文化分乡 镇文化、山林文化、江湖文化和都市文化. 乡镇文化指从农村生活方式中生长出来的文化形态,数千年来注重礼教伦常就是乡镇文化 的结晶,从中分离出来的是山林文化.山林是隐士栖身所在.逍遥自在,复归自然,是他们的中心口号,佛老思想为这种人类态 度提供了思辩外壳,不过,人总要生存,衣食住行须来自一定的生产方式.因此,隐士仍 要卷入现实社会关系之中,这常给隐士心态造成二重性.江湖文化大体由乡镇文化的下层脱胎而出,指浮浪人特别是游侠的活动.侠没有固定职业,受雇于人,用暴力替雇主完成使命,战国时代常成为贵族政争的工具,构成与国家 * * 对 峙的社会势力.汉曾大力摧抑.唐宋以后,侠逐渐分化,一批入以城市为基础,结成帮会,鱼肉平民;另一批人则占据草泽,打家劫舍.因其与封建政教法令相抗,有时成为民众反抗压迫 的表现形式;而盲目效忠恩主,讲求江湖义气的思想也易为统治势力所利用.“言必信,行必果”,“重然诺,轻生死”,仗义疏财,扶危济困,已升华为社会道德,与士大夫文人宣泄抑郁 不平之气的愿望结合起来.汉魏盛唐诗歌有关游侠的题咏,是这种士人心态幻化的结晶.宋明 理学兴起,任侠带异端嫌疑,侠义传统却在传奇小说、宋元话本、明清演义中获得发展,表明 游侠风气向市民心曲过渡,跟鬼神、清官故事一样,是市民阶级软弱的正义感的显影.都市文化是异质环境里生成的文化形态.中国古代都市常是封建政府所在地,市民阶级十分软弱.追逐财利,物质欲望是都市文化的出发点.利欲观念又会不断演进,财利可提高政治权利,物欲可扩展到性欲、情欲.中国城市文化在后一方面表现得比较充分,前一方面不很明显.市民色彩最浓的话本、戏曲,鼓吹发财致富,称扬白由情爱以至露骨的性描写,比比皆是,而民权则付阙如,要有也仅限于对侵害人身、财产、婚姻等现象的揭露,未提到法权原则上来,更谈不上争取参 * * 、执 * * 了.(节选自陈伯海《中国的传统文化》)



B.封建 * * 所在地、市民阶级十分软弱的都市


