Lin Tao: Excuse me, Gao Shan. ___________ is this yellow cat? Is it yours?
Gao Shan: Let me ___________. Oh, no, it's not ___________. ___________ cat is brown.
Lin Tao: Li Lei, look ___________ the cat under my desk. Is it ___________?
Li Lei: ___________, it's not ___________. My cat's black and it's at home. I think it ___________ like
Li Ming's.
Lin Tao: Whose?
Li Lei: Li Ming's.
Lin Tao: Li Ming, is this cat yours?
Li Ming: Oh, yes. It's ___________.
Lin Tao: ___________ you are.
Li Ming: Thank you.
Lin Tao: You're ___________.
Whose, see, mine, My, at, yours, No, mine, looks, mine, Here, welcome