问题 综合




(1)当地球由丙处向乙处运动期间,太阳直射在     半球,河南登封昼夜长短的变化趋势是                  ,横梁在“长堤”上的正午投影逐日向           (填写方向)移动。

(2)横梁在“长堤”上的正午投影距离观星台最近之日,北半球的节气为        日,该日地球位于图中公转轨道上的        处,该日全球正午太阳高度的纬度分布规律是




(1) 南  昼渐短、夜渐长    北

(2)夏至   丁    由北回归线向南北两侧递减

(3)晚    登封位于东经120度以西,地方时比东经120度的地方时晚(强调东西关系)

(4)变远(或向北移动)    当黄赤交角变小时,夏至日时太阳直射点移至北纬23度26分以南,正午太阳高度角变小,横梁在“长堤”上正午投影距观星台更远



     I first went to Harrow in the summer term. The school had the biggest swimming pool I had ever

seen. It was a good joke to come up behind a naked boy, and push him into the pool. I made quite

a habit of this with boys of my own size or less.

     One day I saw a boy wrapped in a towel on the side of the pool. He was no bigger than I was,

so I thought him a fair game. Coming secretly behind, I pushed him in, holding on to his towel so that

it would not get wet, I was surprised to see an angry face come out from the water, and a being of

great strength making its way by strokes (猛力地划) to the shore. I fled, but in vain. He overtook me,

seized me violently, and threw me into the deepest part of their pool. I soon climbed out on the other

side, and found myself surrounded by a crowd of younger boys. "Do you know what you have done?"

they said, "It's Amery; he is in Grade Six. He is champion at gym, and he has got his football honor."

     I was frightened and felt ashamed. How could I tell his position when he was wrapped in a bath

towel and so small? He didn't seem pleased at all, so I added in a most brilliant word, "My father, who

is a great man, is also small." He laughed at this, and after some general words about my rude behavior

and how I had better be careful in the future, the incident was closed.

1. The writer thought Amery "a fair game" because the boy _________.

A. looked like an animal

B. was fond of games

C. was of similar size

D. was good at sports

2. The writer was frightened because _________.

A. he was laughed at by other boys

B. Amery turned out to be in the same grade

C. he pushed Amery hard and hurt him

D. he played a joke on an outstanding athlete

3. By saying "My father, who is a great man, is also small", the writer ________.

A. tried to please Amery

B. challenged Amery

C. threatened Amery

D. admired his father

4. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The writer could run faster than Amery.

B. The writer liked playing on boys of all sizes.

C. Amery was a student in Grade Four.

D. Amery forgave the writer for his rude behavior.