问题 阅读理解与欣赏



  “拿来主义”是鲁迅 的一篇杂文的题目,现在已成为引进、吸收外 来文化的一个专用名词,同样重要的是“拿去主义”,虽然未经鲁迅述及,却也值得一提。

  在“文化热”中,加强对外文化交流的呼声越来越高。可是在有些同志的 心目中,所谓“交流”,就是指“拿”,至于“拿去”,对不起,意识不强,也许是没有考虑。这实际上是单向流程,而不是双向流程。“来而不住,非礼也。”中国人是礼义之邦,总不能光拿人家的啊!

  有些同志认为我国的民族文化落后、陈旧,对是否有输出价值和竞争能力表示怀疑。其实,这些同志未熟谙西方的心理和行情。须知东西方文化各有所长,各有所短,互为补充,不可代替,从而构成世界文化整体。中国文化,诸如长城、秦始皇兵马俑、汉代墓葬中的金缕玉衣、唐诗、宋词、《红楼梦》等等闻名世界,这是众所周知的。即使是未被我们重视的所谓“糟粕”,西方人的评价也常常出乎意外。例如老庄哲学和《易经》,我们认为是完全过了时的东西,而目下在西方却大为走运。许多科学家对目前科学技术的巨大进步无法进行概括,他们找来找去,终于在老庄的“道”和《易经》的爻象中找到了合适的语 言,并给以很高的评价。这里说明一个问题,具有五千年历史的中国传统文化,毕竟是一座内容丰富的宝库,我们大可不必妄自菲薄,说得一无是处。

  但是,历史在发展,时代在前进。如果我们拿出去的永远是一些陈年百代的古董、祖传的遗物,那也不能使我们今天的炎黄子孙脸上增光。对西方读者来说,他们既想了解中国的昨天,当然也想了解中国的今天和明天。所以拿出去新的文化成果,才是今天中国人的光荣职责。我们非常高兴地看到,近几年来,西方学者对中国当代文化艺术有了较多的关注,就以文学方面来说,王蒙、冯骥才、谌容、张贤亮、王安忆等作家的作品已陆续有了各种译本,被介绍到西方,有的还有专著论述,成为新一代的汉学家的研究课题。但也应该承认,我国当代文化在西方的影响还是有限的,要在国际 上占一席之地,赢得声誉,看来还要经过一番艰苦的努力。

  推出中国当代的文化产品,当然必须顾及 时代特色和民族特色。如果不能反映八十年代中国的风貌,如 果“拿去”的和“拿来”的是一样货色、一副面孔,人家是决不会报以青睐的。所以对热衷于“拿来”的同志来说,切忌以照搬为能事,以模仿为时髦。否则,“拿来”容易,“拿去”就困难了。正如一位来自美国的汉学家所说:“中国作家切不可费力去迎合西方读者的品味,要完全为中国读者而写,写出中国自己民族的特色,写出西方没有的风格。这样,才能引起西方读者更强烈的兴趣。” 

  “拿来主义”是我们所要提倡的;“拿去主义”也是我们所要强调的。中国 的文学家、艺术家、文化人应该有勇气,有志气,广泛吸收、消化外来的营养,发展自己的优势,努力攀登文化高峰,拿出无愧于时代,无愧于先人的优秀成果,贡献于全人类。(选自《文学报》1986年8月21日)





3.“‘拿来主义’是我们所要提倡的 ;‘拿去主义’也是我们所要强调的”。结合全文,谈谈作 者为什么认为我们要强调“拿去主义”?






2.如果我们能够“在国际上占一席之地”我们才能够谈“贡献于全人类”;如果我们不能“在国际上占一席之 地”,也就谈不上“贡献于全人类”。目前,我国当代文化在西方的影响还很有限,我们就必须“拿来”,并作艰苦的努力,只有这样,才能发展我们的文化,以“拿去”给全世界,贡献于全人类。(意思对即可)






Parenting was never a piece of cake in any age, but probably the greatest source of headache for parents today in Japan is the ubiquitous cellphone. Today, 96 percent of senior high school students and 58 percent of junior high school students have cellphones. Even among primary school children, 31 percent have them.

By enabling youngsters to stay connected with their parents at all times, these gadgets help to keep children safe. For the kids, they are fun toys, too, that let them text to or chat with their pals whenever they want, play Internet games, and enjoy blogging for their own profile and diary purposes.

But terrible dangers lurk beneath all that fun and convenience.

Every year about h 000 children become involved in rape and other crimes through dating service sites. Violent and obscene images are only a couple of clicks away. On gakkoura saito, or so-called unofficial school websites where kids can post whatever they want, anyone can fall victim to brutal "verbal mob lynching" by their peers.

Amid today’s urgent need to address these problems, the government’s Meeting on Education Rebuilding has issued a report. In response to the Prime Minister’s recent comments — "I cannot think of one good reason for (letting youngsters) have a cellphone" and "I would like everyone to discuss whether cellphones are really necessary" — the report recommended that "parents, guardians, schools and all parties concerned should cooperate among themselves, so that elementary school pupils and junior high school students do not have a cellphone unless there is a compelling reason for them to do so."

But since many parents believe in the necessity of cellphones as a safety tool, it is unrealistic to expect everyone to do away with them. Rather, it would make more sense for guardians, schools and cellphone companies to consider, from their respective standpoints, how cellphones should be used by children.

We suggest that parents sit down with their offsprings and talk about their "house rules" for cellphone use. For instance, set the hours allowed, so the kids won’t be texting to their friends late into the night, remind them never to give away personal information online, and so on,

But there are limits to what individual families can do, and this is where we also suggest that schools should educate their pupils on the dangers of cellphone use. One way to go about this, for instance, may be for each class to set its own rules on sending e-mail messages.

What is the main idea of the passage?()

A.Parents neglect to protect their kids from cellphones.

B.Parenting with cellphones is a source of headache.

C.Cellphones should be banned from campus.

D.Kids need lessons on the uses of cellphones.