问题 单项选择题

The CFO of Magma Corporation expects interest rates especially LIBOR to increase. She would like to place the company in a position to profit from the expected interest rate increase. Which of the following interest rate swap arrangements would allow Magma to profit from an increase in LIBOR()

A. a swap in which Magma pays a fixed rate and receives a floating rate tied to LIBOR.

B. a swap in which Magma pays a floating rate tied to LIBOR and receives a fixed rate.

C. a swap in which Magma pays a fixed rate and receives a fixed rate.




The swap described in A will obligate Magma to pay a fixed interest rate unaffected by LIBOR. It will also reward Magma with an interest receipt that increases as LIBOR increases. If LIBOR increases as expected, Magma will receive a larger interest inflow, but its interest outflow will be unaffected.
