1. 你想找一个英国的笔友,最好先学会:
A. Read a magazine.
B. Write an email.
C. Take a trip.
2. 你想要表达兴奋的心情,可以这样说:[ ]
A. I am tired.
B. I am happy.
C. I am excited.
3. 双胞胎总是长得非常相像,你可以这样来描述他们:[ ]
A. They are the same.
B. They look the same.
C. They like the same.
4. 你想知道你笔友的叔叔住在哪里,可以这样问:[ ]
A. What does your uncle live?
B. Where does your uncle live?
C. When does your uncle live?
5. 你建议给小宠物起个名字叫Lucky,可以这样说:[ ]
A. How about naming the pet Lucky?
B. What about name the pet Lucky?
C. How about call the pet Lucky?
1. B 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. A