1. 在别人的解释之后,你终于明白了某个问题。你可以说:[ ]
A. Oh, see you.
B. Oh, I see.
C. I know.
2. 你想知道新来的音乐老师长什么样子,你可以说:[ ]
A. What's the new music teacher like?
B. What does the new music teacher look like?
C. What's the new music teacher look like?
3. 你想知道新来的体育老师是谁,你可以说:[ ]
A. What's the new P. E. teacher?
B. Who's the new P. E. teacher?
C. What's the new P. E. teacher like?
4. 你想加入到朋友中,跟他们一起玩,你可以这样问你的朋友:[ ]
A. Do you like me?
B. Can I help you?
C. Can I join you?
5. 你想知道别人会不会唱歌,可以这样问:[ ]
A. Can you dance?
B. Can you sing?
C. Can you help me?
1. B 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. B