问题 综合题

在18世纪法国启蒙运动中,启蒙剧作家博马舍写出了世界名剧《费加罗的婚礼》。为避免当局的查禁,该剧以西班牙为背景,实际影射法国。剧中主人公费加罗是个仆人,机智乐观,常与贵族老爷斗智并取得胜利。当他与女仆苏珊娜恋爱时,他的主人伯爵老爷百般阻挠,但都被费加罗挫败。于是,费加罗说了下面一段独白: "因为您是个大贵族,您就自以为是伟大的天才!门第、财产、爵位、高官,这一切使您多么洋洋得意!您干过什么,配有这么多享受?除去从娘胎中出来时使过一点力气之外,您还有什么了不起的?……至于我呢,湮没在无声无息的广大人群之中,仅仅是为了生活而施展出来的智慧与才能,就足够统治西班牙一百年还有富余。您居然敢跟我来争夺果实!”


回答: 结合以上材料写一篇评论短文。






本题以法国大革命背景为材料,考查学生阅读、归纳和分析能力。关键要读懂材料,从材料中提炼有效信息,如“18世纪”、“仆人”、 “贵族老爷”、“门第”等,再结合课本知识理解答题。






材料六:2009年7月6日,新疆维吾尔族自治区 * * 发表电视讲话指出,稳定是福。动乱是祸。凡是民族团结搞得好的时期,新疆经济社会发展就快,各族人民得到的实惠就多;凡是民族团结遭到破坏的时期,就会导致社会动荡,发展停滞,各族人民遭殃,因此各民族包括新疆各族人民要自觉地维护国家的团结与稳定。各民族大团结和社会和谐稳定是包括新疆维吾尔族自治区2100多万各族群众在内的中 * * 的利益所在。



At a board meeting of JGP Chemicals Limited, the directors were discussing some recent negative publicity arising from the accidental emission of a chemical pollutant into the local river. As well as it resulting in a large fi ne from the courts, the leak had created a great deal of controversy in the local community that relied on the polluted river for its normal use (including drinking). A prominent community leader spoke for those affected when she said that a leak of this type must never happen again or JGP would suffer the loss of support from the community. She also reminded JGP that it attracts 65% of its labour from the local community. As a response to the problems that arose after the leak, the JGP board decided to consult an expert on whether the publication of a full annual environmental report might help to mitigate future environmental risks. The expert, Professor Appo (a prominent academic), said that the company would need to establish an annual environmental audit before they could issue a report. He said that the environmental audit should include, in addition to a review and evaluation of JGP’s safety controls, a full audit of the environmental impact of JGP’s supply chain. He said that these components would be very important in addressing the concerns of a growing group of investors who are worried about such things. Professor Appo said that all chemical companies had a structural environmental risk and JGP was no exception to this. As major consumers of natural chemical resources and producers of potentially hazardous outputs, Professor Appo said that chemical companies should be aware of the wide range of ways in which they can affect the environment. CEO Keith Miasma agreed with Professor Appo and added that because JGP was in chemicals, any environmental issue had the potential to affect JGP’s overall reputation among a wide range of stakeholders. When the board was discussing the issue of sustainability in connection with the environmental audit, the fi nance director said that sustainability reporting would not be necessary as the company was already sustainable because it had no ‘going concern’ issues. He said that JGP had been in business for over 50 years, should be able to continue for many years to come and was therefore sustainable. As far as he was concerned, this was all that was meant by sustainability. In the discussion that followed, the board noted that in order to signal its seriousness to the local community and to investors, the environmental audit should be as thorough as possible and that as much information should be made available to the public ‘in the interests of transparency’. It was agreed that contents of the audit (the agreed metrics) should be robust and with little room left for interpretation – they wanted to be able to demonstrate that they had complied with their agreed metrics for the environmental audit. Required:

(b) Explain the three stages in an environmental audit and explore, using information from the case, the issues that JGP will have in developing these stages. (9 marks)