问题 多项选择题

规范性文件正本的特殊形式有( )。







解析: 公文的稿本:(1)草稿。不具备正式公文效用,常有“讨论稿”、“征求意见稿”、“送审稿”、“草稿”、“初稿”、“二稿”、“三稿”等稿本标记。(2)定稿。具备正式公文效用,是制作公文正本的标准依据。有法定的生效标志(签发等)。(3)正本。正本是格式正规并有印章或签署等表明真实性、权威性、有效性的标志。(4)试行本。在试验期间具有正式公文的法定效力。(5)暂行本。在规定的暂行时间内具有正式公文的法定效用。(6)副本。正本复份(与正本同时印刷)在外形上与正本没有区别,具有相同的法律效用;作为复印件的公文副本(如抄本、复印件)不具备公文的法定效用,需加注“副本”字样标记。(7)修订本。可以标题结尾处标作:“(修订本)”,也可在标题下做题注.在圆括号内注明“某年某月修订”。故选ABD。


It was the first snow of the winter---an exciting day for every child but not for most teachers. Up to now, I had been old enough to dress myself, but today I would need some help. Miss Finlayson, my kindergarten teacher, Ontario, had been through best snow days many times, but I think she may still remember this one.

I managed to get into my wool snow trousers. But I struggled with my jacket because it didn’t fit well. It was a hand-me-down from my brother, and it made me wonder why I had to wear the ugly clothes. At least my hat and scarf were mine, and they were quite pretty. Finally it was time to have Miss Finlayson help me with my boots.

In her calm, motherly voice she said, “By the end of the winter, you will all be able to put on your own boots.” I didn’t realize at the time that it was more a statement of hope than of confidence.

I handed her my boots and stuck out my feet. Like most children, I expected the adult to do all the work. After much pushing, she managed to get the first one into place and then, with a sigh, worked the second one on too.

I announced, “They are on the wrong feet.”

She struggled to get the boots off and went through the joyless task of putting them on again.

“They are my brother’s boots, you know, I hate them.”

Somehow, from long years of practice, she managed to act as though I wasn’t an annoying little girl. She struggled with me. She asked “now, where are your mittens(手套)?”

I looked into her eyes and said, “I didn’t want to lose them, so I hid them in the toes of my boots.”

小题1:The little girl was more satisfied with her __________.




D.hat小题2:Miss Finlayson had difficulty with the little girl’s boots mainly because________.

A.the girl got them from her brother

B.the girl put something in them

C.they were on the wrong feet

D.they did not fit the girl well小题3:Why does the author say Miss Finlayson would remember that first snow day?

A.Because the little girl was in her brother’s clothes.

B.Because it was the most exciting day of the winter.

C.Because the little girl wore a pretty scarf.

D.Because the little girl played a trick on her.小题4:It can be inferred from the passage that Miss Finlayson _______________.

A.was losing confidence in the little girl

B.was gradually losing patience with the little girl

C.became disappointed with the little girl

D.got curious about the little girl
