中 * * 主义青年团是一个拥有()万个基层组织,()多万团员的先进青年的群体组织。
阅读以下材料,完成下列问题。 (13分)
材料一 2008年中国评选出新的十大“天府”,它们分别是:成都平原、台湾嘉南平
(1) 山东半岛和台南地区均盛产海盐,原因有何不同?(4分)
(2) 嘉南平原是台湾省重要的热带水果产区,2008年两岸“三通”以后对当地水果业的生产有何积极意义?(3分)
(3) 呼伦贝尔与三江平原纬度相当,但农业类型不同。试指出两地主要农业类型及发展中所出现的主要环境问题。(6分)
Zahoor Sons Limited (‘ZSL’) is a public unlisted company engaged in the business of textile manufacturing. ZSL owns two factories. Due to the economic slow down, the textile industry has suffered badly and one of the factories of ZSL has been shut down for the past one year (‘Closed Factory’). During a recent meeting of the board of directors, the board was informed that the expensive machinery installed in the Closed Factory is depreciating rapidly. The board was also informed that a potential buyer has expressed his interest in buying the machinery, however, he wants to complete the sale before leaving for England in two weeks’ time. One of the directors was of the view that approval of the shareholders in a general meeting is needed for selling the machinery; and, in view of the 21-days minimum notice period for general meetings, their approval may not be available in time to complete the proposed sale.Required:With reference to the Companies Ordinance, 1984:
(a) advise the directors on whether approval of shareholders is needed for selling the machinery in the Closed Factory; and (5 marks)