问题 多项选择题

经劳动合同当事人协商一致,由用人单位解除劳动合同的,用人单位应发给劳动者一次性的经济补偿金,根据劳动者在本单位工作年限,每满1年,发给的经济补偿金相当于下列哪一选项所列数额( )










      When it rains, do your shoes get wet? Of course they do! But you can buy these pretty red and white

"Umbrellas for Shoes". They keep the rain off feet.

      Who sweeps the floor at your home? Do you do it yourself? Perhaps your mother does it. Well, now you

just need a cat. Get a cat and buy these four "Dusters (抹布) for Cats".

      You talk too long on the phone, don't you? Most teenagers do! Save time-buy the "Telephone Dumb bell

(哑铃)"! It weighs five kilos. Then your calls will be less than five minutes. 

      Do your friends sometimes come up behind you and make you jump? Do cars come around the corner

when you try to cross the road? Well, you can solve that problem with these modern "Forward-backward

Glasses". Look forward with the right eye and back with the left.

1. Which of the following pictures is the right order to match the text?


         a                              b                           c                           d[ ]

A. d; a; b; c

B. b; a; c; d

C. d; a; c; b

D. b; d; a; c

2. From the text, we know that cats can help mother to ______. [ ]

A. do some housework

B. keep the rain off

C. speak on the phone

D. look for something

3. The text seems to tell us that we can solve some problems with the four ______. [ ]

A. drawings

B. inventions

C. animals

D. shoes
