I believe the best heroes are often the ones who haven’t been publicly recognized. They’re someone’s hero just by living their life as 36, not necessarily struggling for anything particular outside of survival. They’re everyday ordinary people. 37, my greatest hero without doubt isn’t a famous person or someone who has a rags-to-riches (白手起家的) story. In fact, this person isn’t a 38 at all, but a heroine: my mother, who has been my greatest source of inspiration(鼓舞). A brief glance (一瞥) into this 39 woman’s life makes it clear. My mother was married to a man who drank like a fish almost every day. As Mother 40 to us later in life, she simply didn’t want us to be 41 by my father. So, one day she packed her seven kids into an old wagon (马车), and headed back down south to Montgomery, Alabama. At five foot three, she was a black lady with a small figure, with no college education. She did whatever she had to do to 42 as a single(单身的) parent and to successfully 43 all her children to adulthood. By high school I had started to 44 my mother had achieved something 45 as a single parent. Then, when I was seventeen years old, I signed up(报名) for the Marine Corps. The day I 46 for basic training, my mother told me, a very thin and nervous black kid, four 47 words: “Just do your best.” That 48 may be a cliché (套话), but coming from her , it has given me a lifetime of powerful inspiration. I’ve had my 49 of ups and downs in my life. Whenever meeting with any difficulty, I would 50 to myself, “If Mother overcame her challenges, I have no 51 not to do the same.” 52 I grew, I admired her for what she had achieved. I graduated from community college with highest 53, and now I’m a student at Columbia University. Every step of the 54, I’ve been encouraged by the inspiration of my mother — my heroine. I’ve never 55. I’ve tried to do my best.