问题 材料题

甘地始终是一个谜:他将毕生精力都献给了印度民族独立事业,却多次支持英帝国主义的不义战争;他受过西方现代教育,却诅咒西方现代文明;在一些人看来,他是“民族之父”,而在另一些人看来,他无异于“群众性民族解放运动的叛徒”。 阅读下列材料:材料一  我们在经济和工业生活中严重地背离了经济自给自足。假如我们不曾引进外国的产品,那么今天,印度将满地流淌着牛奶和蜂蜜。……西方民众正在唯物(物质)主义这个魔鬼和怪物的铁蹄下呻吟。他们道德的发展已经落后。今天,他们用英镑、先令和便士来衡量他们的进步。                     ——1916年12月甘地在阿拉哈巴德“经济学协会”上的演说

材料二  甘地还把纺车当做印度摆脱对英国纺织业依赖的工具。他认为,印度可以放弃大多数进口产品。……因此对甘地而言,恰尔卡(纺车)是自治的象征。 ——海默?劳《甘地传》


(1) 依据材料一和二,指出甘地为什么要“诅咒西方文明”?


(2)人们对甘地毁誉不一,为何有人称甘地为“群众性民族解放运动的叛徒”? 解开甘地之谜的关键之处何在?






A large part of effective leadership is dependent on something called "style". But style is difficult to teach, and what makes one leader great and another mediocre is not easily defined. Leadership always implies power, and a broad definition in this context is that leadership includes the power to influence thoughts and actions of others in such a way that they achieve higher satisfaction and/or performance. Over the past century, there have been three major approaches to understanding leadership.
Identifying leadership traits, or the physical and psychological characteristics of leaders, was the first formal approach, and had a lot of intuitive appeal. It owed its origins to the mm of the century (about 1904) when trait studies began. At this time most American leaders came from certain wealthy families, the vast majority were white males, and there were some social norms about what leaders looked like (tall, square jaw, well groomed, etc.). The original assumption that "leaders are born, not made" has been discredited, because there were too many exceptions to the traits to give them any credibility. Beginning after World War II, in sharp contrast to the trait approach, the behavioral approach looked at what a leader does, what behaviors leaders use that set them apart from others. This approach assumed that leadership could be learned. Virtually all of the studies focused on classifying behaviors according to whether they fell into a process or "people approach" (satisfying individual needs), or a "task approach" (getting the job done). The basis for this classification was in the discovery in social psychology that every group needs someone to fulfill both these roles in the group for it to be effective. The earliest of these studies began in Ohio State University and the University of Michigan in the late 1940s. Many of the early trait and behavioral writers tried to make their ideas applicable to all leadership situations. The earliest situational approach to leadership was developed in 1958. This approach strived to identify characteristics of the situation that allowed one leader to be effective where another was not. The trend later developed toward the third approach, understanding the unique characteristics of a situation and what kind of leadership style best matches with these.

Which of the following questions does the author answer in Paragraph 1

A.What is "style"

B.Is power the most important aspect of leadership

C.How many main historical approaches have there been to leadership

D.Why is leadership so difficult to define


[ ]具有人类学意义的工作相当古老——有两个例子,古希腊历史学家希罗多德或北非学者阿拉伯.英布.卡尔顿,在公元前5世纪和公元14世纪撰写的对他人的描述——[ ]作为独立研究领域的人类学是相对较晚的西方文明的产物。例如,在美国,学院或大学(罗彻斯特大学)普通人类学含学分的第一次课程直到1879年才开设。倘若人们一直关心他们自己及其起源,以及其他人,那么为什么成体系的人类学学科这么长时间才问世呢

文章[ ]处应填入的关联词语是( )。



