问题 综合题


材料一 为改变政教合一的封建专制制度,凯末尔采取了三项带有决定性的政治措施:消灭苏丹制、宣布共和国、废除哈里发制。土耳其政府撤销了宗教基金事务部,废除了宗教法和宗教法院,确定了国民议会的立法权;规定学习必须提供非宗教的现代化教育,加强土耳其民族意识的教育;废除伊斯兰旧历,正式采用世界大多数国家通用的公元历。

——摘编自吴于廑、齐世荣主编《世界史  现代史编》上卷

材料二 虽然土耳其在他(凯末尔)死后走过了漫长的道路,但这个国家所遵循的原则基本上还是他生前制定的指导方针:建立及捍卫疆域有限的土耳其民族国家;启迪土耳其人民的民族意识;摆脱伊斯兰教对国家法律和教育的控制;不但要物质生活西化,人们的思想和风俗习惯也要西化。







题目分析:(1)根据材料信息,“消灭苏丹制、宣布共和国、废除哈里发制” “土耳其政府撤销了宗教基金事务部,废除了宗教法和宗教法院”—— 政教分离(世俗化)、民主化;“确定了国民议会的立法权” ——法制化;“规定学习必须提供非宗教的现代化教育”“ 废除伊斯兰旧历,正式采用世界大多数国家通用的公元历” ——近代化;“加强土耳其民族意识的教育”—— 民族主义。

(2)根据材料并结合所学知识,凯末尔革命的胜利,使土耳其摆脱了民族危机,为发展民族经济,推动文化和社会进步,创造了前提条件。凯末尔政府的改革,促使土耳其走上民族国家复兴和现代化的道路,它代表了土耳其民族资产阶级的利益和要求,有利于社会生产力的发展。改革的中心内容是反帝反封建,而反神权是反封建的重要内容之一。在政治方面, * * 、社会同宗教的分离,有助于巩固民族独立和共和制度,具有极大的进步意义;在经济方面,基本上改变了封建的、半殖民地的生产方式,使土耳其基本上摆脱了封建主义的束缚和帝国主义的奴役,初步发展了民族资本主义;文化教育和社会习俗的改革,振奋了民族精神,坚定了人们的民族自信心。因此,凯末尔的改革是同时代亚非半殖民地国家中惟一取得成功的一次改革。


"I delight in Buckingham Palace", said Queen Victoria, when she moved in three weeks after ascending to the throne. Today the 40-acre secluded garden contains specimen shrubs, trees and a large lake. Eight to nine thousand people visit it during the annual garden parties.
It took George Ⅳ, on becoming King in 1820, and John Nash, Surveyor-general to GeorgeⅣ when he was Prince Regent, many years to turn the house into a sumptuous palace. Nash demolished the North and South wings and rebuilt them. He constructed Marble Arch as a grand entrance to the enlarged courtyard. As work continued, Nash let his costs run away with him, and Parliament complained. Joseph Hume, an English politician and reformer fighting for financial retrenchment, said, "The Crown of England does not require such splendour. Foreign countries might indulge in frippery, but England ought to pride herself on her plainness and simplicity." Nevertheless, elegance reigned.
Queen Victoria was crowned in 1837. When she moved in, Buckingham Palace became, for the first time, the official London residence of Britain’s sovereigns. There wasn’t a room large enough for grand entertainments, so in 1853 — 1855, Queen Victoria ordered the Ballroom built. 122 feet long, 60 feet wide and 45 feet high, it is, today, used for many events such as the State Banquet, the Diplomatic Reception, and memorial concerts. This is the site of Investitures, where the Queen (who was crowned in 1952) presents the recipients of British honours with their awards. During World War Ⅱ, a chapel, converted by Queen Victoria from Nash’s conservatory, was bombed. Prince Philip oversaw its rebuilding as the Queen’s Gallery, home to a rotating collection of art from the Royal Collection. The Gallery, currently in the process of renovation, will reopen in 2002 for the Queen’s Golden Jubilee.
More than 600 rooms, including 52 Royal and guest bedrooms, 188 staff bedrooms, 92 offices and 78 bathrooms comprise the castle’s assets. But the "room" best known around the world is the Balcony where the Royal family’ gathers on celebratory and solemn occasions to be seen by their subjects.
The Palace is more than a home for the Royals. It is the official administrative headquarters of the monarchy and contains the Offices of their staff. It is the place where all Royal ceremonies and official banquets are held. Government ministers, top civil servants and heads of state visit to carry out their duties. It brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "working from home".

According to the passage, which of the following is NOT supposed to be held in the Ballroom

A.(A) Investitures.

B.(B) Government banquets.

C.(C) Religious services.

D.(D) Diplomatic receptions.
