问题 完形填空


The Transport Industry In the UK

The transport industry employs around 2.3 million people in the UK across some 196,000 companies. Worth over £75 billion to the economy, it ensures that goods, services and people can move as efficiently as possible.

 小题1:  Traffic and transport construction jobs are essential to ensure that there are no long-term disruptions(中断) in transport. Without traffic and transport construction jobs, the Transport for London Organization wouldn’t be able to maintain its train or tube lines.

 小题2:  Opportunities involve construction work and building services to maintain facilities(设施) such as airports and train stations. It also involves anything from designing and creating a new bridge or road, to developing a new harbor to increase sea freight(海运).

Some roles require shift work.   小题3:. Depending on the role, travel may also be required either locally, nationally, or in some cases, internationally.

Traffic and transport construction jobs have not escaped the effects of a global economic downturn. However, rising fuel costs have seen a huge increase in the number of people using public transport.   小题4:  

Traffic and transport construction jobs were important during the 2012 Games. Billions of pounds were invested into improving the capital’s transport facilities.   小题5:  It was a 12-carriage train that linked King’s Cross St. Pancras stations to the heart of London in just seven minutes.

A.With the transport industry, many people would be unemployed in UK.

B.This included the “Olympic Javelin”.

C.This can mean working evenings, nights and possibly weekends.

D.Because of the size of the industry, a number of career opportunities are available.E. Many stadiums were built at that time.

F. This is because transport construction jobs carry out all the necessary maintenance required to keep public transport safe and running.

G. The industry can be divided into three main sectors: surface, sea and air transport.









小题2:考查上下文的语境理解能力。根据后面的career opportunities,可知,这里的意思应该是:因为行业规模的扩大, 有大量的就业机会。应选D。



小题5:考查上下文的语境理解能力。在2012年奥运会期间,数十亿英镑被投入到改善首都的交通设施。其中包括“Olympic Javelin”,一个有着12节车厢的火车,使得从国王的十字圣潘克拉斯车站到伦敦市中心仅仅需要7分钟的时间。故选B前后一致。


中 * * 党第十七届中央委员会第五次全体会议10月15日在京召开,会议研究了关于制定“十二五”规划的建议,讨论未来五年的政策蓝图。

材料一:中 * * 十七届五中全会之前,对《建议》稿进行多次讨论,还广泛征求和听取了各民主党派、全国工商联负责人、无党派人士以及专家学者的意见。国务院将根据党的《建议》,起草“十二五”规划草案。全国人大根据中 * * 的建议,在充分发挥全国政协的政治协商和参政议政作用的基础上,并将于2011年3月十一届全国人大四次会议审议通过《第十二个五年规划》,再由国务院组织实施《第十二个五年规划》。

材料二:党十七届五中全会提出,文化是一个民族的精神和灵魂,是国家发展和民族振兴的强大力量。推动文化产业成为国民经济支柱性产业,充分发挥文化引导社会、教育人民、推动发展的功能,建设中 * * 共有精神家园,增强民族凝聚力和创造力。



