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  ⑦以“度”为内涵的实践智慧,体现于不同的方面。《中庸》曾提出了一个重要思想,即“万物并育而不相害”。从本体论上看,这一命题意味着对象世界中的诸种事物都各有存在根据,彼此共存于天下。从人的实践活动看,“万物并育而不相害”则涉及不同的个体、团体、民族、国家之间的共处、交往问题,它以承认不同个体的差异、不同社会领域的分化为前提。个体的差异、不同社会领域的分化是一种历史演化过程中无法否认的事实,如何使分化过程中形成的不同个体、存在形态以非冲突的方式共处于世界之中,便成为“万物并育而不相害”所指向的实质问题,在这里,所谓“并育而不相害”,便要求以“度”的中道原则,恰当地处理、协调社会共同体中方方面面的关系。这种协调方式没有一定之规,也没有一成不变的程序,它需要根据实践生活的具体形态来加以调节。这种调节作用就体现了一种“度”的智慧。 (节选自《中国文化中的“道”》)

1.下列有关“道”的理解表述不正确的一项是(     )





2.下列理解和分析与原文内容相符的一项是(     )





3.下列表述与原文观点不相符的一项是(     )










Some fish form huge schools. Could fish set up schools and teach their children how to survive in the ocean? You may ask. No. Here the “schools” are not the places where you study. They are fish shoals (鱼群) that cover tens of kilometers. What causes hundreds of millions of fish to gather and move together is one of biology’s mysteries.

Darkness appears to be the first step to the creation of shoals, according to a study published in the March 27 journal Science. A team of researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and five other institutions studied Atlantic herring (鲱鱼), which forms shoals on a fishing ground off Massachusetts. They used an underwater imaging technology and fish-finding sonar (声纳) to observe the herring over several days in autumn when they spawn (产卵).

They found that, as the sun set, fish in scattered (分散的) groups began swimming much closer to one another than they normally do. When the number of fish reached a certain point in an area, this set off a chain reaction of similar behavior that spread like a sound wave through the water.

The herring’s movement seemed to be started by sunset. The team didn’t record the breakup of these shoals, but a previous study suggested that as the sun rose, the shoals fell apart.

“When the light fades (逐渐消失), it’s safer for the fish to move away from the seabed,” says Nicholas Makris, a professor at MIT who led the research. “Once they have a certain number of other fish, they suddenly come together - forming a shoal covering tens of kilometers within tens of minutes.”

Herring form shoals to migrate during the autumn spawning season. Some shoals were 40 km across and 30 m from top to bottom. They formed in deep water and moved into more shallow waters to spawn.

Forming shoals helps protect them from predators (掠食者) by giving them simple strength in numbers. The ordered movement of the shoal means the fish can reach their spawning ground more quickly and more safely.

Scientists have never before gathered information on so many animals acting together. Understanding these herring shoals could lead to more ideas about what causes animals to move in schools, says Iain Couzin, a biologist at Princeton University, US.

1. Which school in the following expressions is used the same way as the underlined one in the first paragraph?

A. schools of thoughts       B. school a horse   C. a school of whales       D. a medical school

2. Which of the following statements is true?

A. There are more large shoals of herring at night than in the daytime.

B. The research on Atlantic herring was conducted independently by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

C. The larger the shoal of herring is, the more slowly it moves.

D. Scientists have found out the reason why fish gather and move together in huge shoals.

3. According to the research, herring tend to get together except ______.

A.when there are predators around  B. when they spawn C. when the sun sets  D. when the sun rises

4. What seems to be the main reason for herring to gather and move together?

A. To avoid the darkness.

B. To keep other kinds of fish out of their spawning ground.

C. To spawn in the shallow waters.

D. To make themselves feel safe.
