I went to a local post office to send a gift to Florida yesterday afternoon. When I __1 _ the door, there were many people waiting there. A bit 2 , I decided to calmly wait for my turn to place the precious package on the 3 . Since I didn’t 4 the tape to seal(封住)the box, I went to buy the tape. As I 5 secure the top of the box, a woman in front of me, a similar situation, asked if she could use some 6 . I gave her some and helped her put the gift into her 7 . Then a woman behind me also asked me if she could have some tape, since her envelop had ripped and I gladly 8 it to her. When the woman in front of me 9 who I was sending the package to, I explained that my 80-year-old 10 Selma lives in Florida, 1200 miles from my home. She has a(n) 11 neighbor named Diane who has, on several occasions, accompanied her to the hospital. My mom 12 her “her angel” and had asked me to send her two willow tree angel. As we spoke, the line moved and she offered me a place in front of her. I was 13 and thanked her. At that moment, the other people in front of her ushered me in front of them by the time I __14 the counter, we were all smiling and laughing and I thanked them sincerely. A few inches of tape can seal the world 15 .