问题 名词解释




香港出版的《明末清初瓷展》图录中,有一件“弘光元年旷府佳器”款的青花地白花碗,字体工整,已具清初特点。弘光元年即1644年,这年明朝灭亡。明福王朱由菘于当年五月在南京称帝,建立“南明” * * ,年号“弘光”。

在英国的大英博物馆,藏有一件署“永历”年款的黄釉香炉,系南明桂王时的遗物。福王 * * 倾覆后,明桂王朱由榔于1646年在广东肇庆即位,年号“永历”,至1662年方被吴三桂灭亡。“弘光”、“永历”和唐王建立的“隆武” * * ,称为“南明”三王朝,变称“前三藩”。“后三藩”中吴三桂的孙子吴世璠,亦曾于1678年建立过“洪化” * * ,1681年灭亡。所见“洪化年制”款青花碗,系此时遗物。




___51___ There are many things that can be done to help the environment and preserve it for future generations. As everyone knows, taking public transportation helps but what else can you do to make a difference?

Sometimes it is the simple changes you make, such as bringing your own chopsticks to a restaurant. More than ten thousand disposable chopsticks (一次性筷子) are thrown away in China per day. ___52___ So bring a pair of chopsticks when you eat out next time.

___53___ Every day more than one million plastic bags are thrown away. A great number of them go into oceans and hurt the animals and plants that live there. By bringing your own bag when you go to the store or market you can reduce the number of plastic bags used.

Plastic bottles, glass , newspapers and even aluminium cans are all recyclable and by collecting such items people are paid by the recycling company. ___54___ In fact every part that makes a car can be taken apart and recycled, from the wheels to the windscreen. ___55___

It may seem like a little change by only one person but when you start adding one person to another, huge changes can occur. It will make a world of difference but only if you take responsibility and act.

A.Another huge problem for the environment is plastic bag waste.

B.However difficult it is, we should prevent our planet from being polluted.

C.With such a large population, Earth needs to be protected and respected.

D.Cars can also be recycled.E.This is a huge waste of trees.

F.Some parts of the car can’t be recycled.

G.They all can be used again in a different way.
