问题 完形填空


小题1:Every year ________ ________ ________ ________ inland visitors pour into HK, which  indeed causes inconvenience to the local people.

小题2:The Internet now is ________ ________ ________ ________ in our life. (扮演着重要的角色) 

小题3:Let’s raise our glasses and ________ ________ the happy marriage of the bride and bridegroom. (为......干杯) 

小题4:There’s no need for you to worry about accommodation; it is a ________ ________. (寄宿学校)

小题5:He ________ his survival ________ luck. (归功于)

小题6:The area is peaceful ________ ________ some small conflicts between villagers. (除了)

小题7:How can he focus on his homework, ________ the music ________ so loudly? (在音乐播得这么大声的情况下) 

小题8:—Hey, Linda, do you know that we won’t have any classes this Saturday?

—Really? ________ ________, I will go backpacking in Tianlong Mountain. (如果这样的话)

小题9:Don’t forget to ________ your address card ________ your travel suitcase so that it can be returned if lost by accident. (贴上)

小题10:________ ________ ________ class is a basic requirement for a qualified teacher. (按时上课)


小题1:a large/great number of

小题2:playing an important role/part 

小题3:drink to

小题4:boarding school

小题5:owed; to

小题6:except for / apart from

小题7:with; played

小题8:If so

小题9:attach; to

小题10:Being punctual for


小题1:(大量的)每年大量的内陆游客都涌进香港,这确实当地人的不方便。考查词组“许多,大量”:a large/great number of

小题2:网络现在在我们的生活中起着重要的作用。考查词组:扮演着重要的角色play an important role/part,这里用现在分词和be动词连用,表示现在进行时playing an important role/part 

小题3:我们举杯为新郎和新娘的幸福婚姻干杯。考查动词“为…干杯“:drink to

小题4:你没有必要担心食宿,这是一个寄宿学校。考查名词“寄宿学校”: boarding school

小题5:他把他的幸存归功于运气。考查动词短语“将…归功于”:owed; to

小题6:这个地区很宁静,除了村民的一些小的冲突。考查词组“除了”:except for / apart from

小题7:音乐声音放的这么大,他怎么能专注于作业?这里用with复合结构,因为music和play是被动关系,用过去分词做宾语补足语。with; played


考查省略形式:“如果这样的话” If so

小题9:不要忘记将你的地址卡片贴在旅行箱上这样如果你偶然丢了也能找回。考查词组“将…贴上”:attach; to

小题10:按时上课是对合格的老师的基本要求。考查词组“按时的”,这里用动名词做主语:Being punctual for

问答题 简答题