1. 当你询问对方的妈妈是干什么的时候,说:[ ]
A. What is your mother do?
B. What is your mother's work?
C. What does your mother do?
2. 当你想告诉别人,你叔叔是一名画家时,说:[ ]
A. My uncle is an artist.
B. My uncle is a artist.
C. My father is an artist.
3. 当你想告诉别人,你想成为一名作家时,说:[ ]
A. I wants to be a writer.
B. I want to be a writer.
C. I want to write.
4. 当你想询问别人将来想成为怎样的人时,你问:[ ]
A. What are you doing?
B. What do you do?
C. What are you going to be?