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  但在过去的近百年里,世界潮流曾经缩小了“汉字文化圈”,就连毛 * * 、鲁迅等也曾主张废除汉字,认为汉字终将改为世界通用的表音文字,但事实并非如此。新中国成立初期的文字改革——实施拼音文字的作用只不过是充当了学习汉字的辅助工具。韩国在文字政策上曾先后经历了汉字时代和“韩文专用”时代。许多韩国专家指出,抛弃汉字使韩国社会出现了知识、英才哲学和思想的贫困,今天的经济危机,就是韩国半世纪以来推行韩文专用所带来的必然结果,因为它导致韩国社会出现大量文盲。所以,韩国开始反思,于1991年11月和1994年9月在汉城先后两次举行了“汉字优于拼音文字”的国际汉字学术研讨会,并且成立了“国际汉字振兴协议会”。日本也是如此,它曾减少了可识的汉字字数,但现在又增加了。


1.从全文看,对“汉字文化圈”的理解,最准确的一项是(    )


B. “汉字文化圈”是指通过使用汉字进行交流的文化圈,21世纪的今天,汉字的使用人数正在逐步增长。



2.对“汉字具有独特魅力”的解说不当的一项是(    )





3.对文章理解不正确的一项是(     )


B.世界潮流缩小了“汉字文化圈”,所以毛 * * 、鲁迅等主张废除汉字,认为汉字终将改为世界通用的表音文字。







单项选择题 A1型题


     Instead of hitting the beach, fourteen high school students traded swimming suits for lab coats last summer

and turned their attention to scientific experiments.

     The High School Research Program offers high school students guidance with researchers in Texas A &

M's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Jennifer Funkhouser, academic adviser for the Department

Ecology and Management, directs this four-week summer program designed to increase the understanding of

research and its career potential.

     Several considerations go into selecting students, including grades, school involvement and interest in science

and agriculture. And many students come from poorer school districts. Funkhouser says, "This is their chance

to learn techniques and do experiments they would never have a chance to do in high school."

     Warner Erin of Houston is interested in animal science and learned how to tell male from female mosquitoes.

His adviser, Craig Coates, studies the genes of mosquitoes that allow them to fight against malaria (疟疾) and

yellow fever. Coates thought this experience would be fun and helpful to the high school students.

     The agricultural research at A & M differs from stereotypes. "It's molecular (分子) science on the cutting

edge," Funkhouser says. The program broadened the students' knowledge. Victor Garcia of Rio Grande City

hopes to become a biology teacher and says he learned a lot about chemistry from the program.

     At the end of the program, the students presented papers on their research. They're also paid $ 600 for their

work-another way this program differs from others, which often charge a fee.

     Fourteen students got paid to learn that science is fun, that agriculture is a lot more than milking and plowing

and that research can open many doors.

1. The research program is chiefly designed for ____.

A. high school advisers from Houston

B. high school students from different places

C. college students majoring in agriculture

D. researchers at the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

2. It can be inferred from the text that the students in poorer areas ____.

A. had little chance to go to college

B. could often take part in the program

C. found the program useful to their future

D. showed much interest in their high school experiments

3. When the program was over, the students ____.

A. wrote research papers

B. entered that college

C. paid for their research

D. found a way to make money

4. What would be the best title for the text?

A. A Program for Agricultural Science Students

B. A Program for Animal Science Students

C. A Program for Medical Science Lovers

D. A Program for Future Science Lovers