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* * 、午门及太和殿是明清故宫建筑空间艺术处理上的三个高潮。

1.进入大清门首先是千步廊,经过这个狭长的空间后,出现于一处横向展开的广场,迎面是高大的 * * 城楼,对比效果强烈,形成第一处高潮。

2.进入 * * 后,与端门之间形成一个较小的空间,顿为收敛。过端门,呈现一个纵深而封闭的空间,尽端是雄伟的午门,有萧杀威猛的气氛,构成第二个高潮。


                                             A Man with Two Badly Burned Ears
     Mr Smith was in trouble those days. He drove a car for Mr Black, a rich business man. He worked hard
and the shopkeeper liked him. But he couldn't work when he drank too much. And once he almost fell into
the river when he drove"along the bridge. Mr Black became angry and was going to send him away. he had
a big family and was afraid of it and promised (许诺) he would stop drinking at once. The man told him to
wait to be dealt with (处置).
    One Monday morning Mr Smith came into the office, with two badly burned ears.
    "What happened to your ears?" asked Mr Black.
    "Well," said the man. "I went to watch a football match yesterday while my wife was ironing (熨) clothes.
She had put the iron (熨斗) near the telephone before she went to cook supper. Our team lost the game and
I felt sorry for it. As soon as I went in the sittingroom, the phone rang and I answered the iron!" 
    "And what happened to the other ear?"
    "When I put the iron down on the table, the telephone rang again!"
1. ______, so he almost drove the car into the river.
[ ]
A. Mr Smith was no careful
B. Mr Smith drank too much
C. Mr Smith forgot they were on the bridge
D. Mr Smith couldn't work in the evening
2. Mr Smith was afraid to ______.
[ ]
A. stop drinking
B. answer the telephone
C. lose his work
D. stop driving
3. Mr Smith went to watch the football match on ______.
[ ]
A. Monday
B. Tuesday
C. Saturday
D. Sunday
4. We can guess ______.
[ ]
A. Mr Smith drank much after the match
B. Mr Smith was angry with his team
C. Mr Smith didn't drink those days
D. Mr Smith watched the match at home
5. The ______ badly burned Mr Smith's ears.
[ ]
A. telephone
B. telephones
C. iron
D. irons