问题 判断题





A公司是一家国际知名的生产碳酸型饮料的跨国企业。至20世纪90年代进入中国市场以来,一直把同行业的B公司作为竞争对手,并在中国市场上展开了激烈的角逐。  2007年9月初,A公司“13亿激情,敢为中国红”发布会在北京国际金融中心举行,一改百年坚持的蓝色包装罐,推出和老对手B公司相同的红色包装——“中国队A公司纪念罐”。这在业界引起极大关注。  面对这样的大变化,A公司负责人坦言:“对A公司而言,变装红色绝不是一个轻易的决定,有着不简单的考虑。”那么,不简单的背后考虑是为哪般呢?  很明显,这一步简单的考虑具有鲜明的指向性——2008年奥运会,相对于老对手B公司在奥运营销上玩得风生水起,A公司相形见绌,自然也要结合地域特点做点文章,在传播高度稍逊一筹的情况下,A公司就尝试在传播深度上盖过对手。  当年A公司选蓝色作为品牌包装主色调,为的就是与对手形成区别;而如今不爱蓝装爱红装,这刚换上的一身红色与B公司的红色,自然也应该有所不同。B公司一直采用的就是红色包装,初人中国市场时,这一贴近中国传统文化观念的色彩很讨巧,B公司也借此大打传统喜庆牌,春节时采用福娃包装,运动员夺冠时又是一片祝福红,在迎合消费者消费心理和文化的本土化方面,B公司堪称典范,有人认为B公司对于红色的运用,一直流于表面。要知道碳酸型饮料的主流消费人群在25岁以下,属于反传统的一代,“福气、团圆”之类的红色诉求,并不能深刻地击中他们的内心。  有机构认为这正是A公司的机会所在。对于中国市场最有潜力的这一批正处于断乳期的青少年深刻动察其内心的情感需求缺口,将红色演绎出更为丰富的内涵,填补目标人群内心的渴望,这应该是A公司换红装的主要目标,如果在此次红红大战中,A公司的红色能以自身的深刻演义,将红色推向一个更振奋人心的价值高度的话,那么A公司就将一举扭转在中国奥运市场的颓势,重新夺取市场话语权。  是小浪花还是给对手的大麻烦?  除了换包装色彩外,A公司最近还在推出新的“公司我创,我要上罐”活动。  应该说,中国市场上超女等草根英雄的迅速蹿红,使企业普遍认识到,中国已经进入一个张扬自我的反偶像时代了。这样一场轰轰烈烈的草根运动,背后隐藏的中坚力量和推动者,大多是自我意识开始觉醒的年轻人。A公司显然看到了选秀这类活动类型和成名效应在中国的巨大号召力,在打响A公司换红装运动的同时,又推出“公司我创,我要上罐”活动,借助网络的力量在民间寻找代言形象,针对的同样也是年轻人。

A公司所采取的目标市场定位策略是( )。






Being assertive (过分自信) is being able to communicate with other people
clearly. If you felt that you had expressed what was important to you and al-
lowed the others to respond their own way, then, regardless of the final out- 62. ______
come, you behaved assertively. It is important to remember that being asser-
tive refers to a way of coping with confrontations. It does not mean getting
your own way every time or winning some battles with another person. In63. ______
practice, assertive behavior is usually most likely to produce a result which is
generally acceptable to all concerned, without anyone feel that they have been 64. ______
unfairly treated.
Assertiveness is often wrongly confusing with aggression. An aggressive 65. ______
confrontation is when one or both parties attempt to put forward their feelings
and beliefs at the expense of others. In an assertive confrontation, however,
each party stands up for their personal rights, and each shows respect and un- 66. ______
derstanding for the other’s viewpoint.
The reason why assertiveness may not come naturally is what we often67. ______
tend to believe that we must talk around a subject rather than be direct, or that
we must offer for excuses or justifications for our actions. 68. ______
In fact, we all have a right to use assertive behavior in a various of situa- 69. ______
tions. We are often schooled early in life to believe that sometimes our own
need to express ourselves must take second place. For example, in dealing with 70. ______
those in privileged positions such as specialists, we often feel that speaking as-
sertively is, in some way, "breaking the rules". 71. ______