1.你想邀请别人一起去溜冰,可以说: [ ]
A. Do you like skating?
B. Let's go skating.
C. Sounds good.
2.你想问别人会不会拉小提琴,可以说: [ ]
A. Do you play the violin?
B. This is your violin, I think.
C. Can I have a look?
3.听到爸爸提议去吃热狗,你商兴地说: [ ]
A. No, I'd like a hot dog.
B. Great!
C. Here you are.
4.你想知道订书机用英语怎么说,可以问: [ ]
A. What's this in English?
B. Is this a stapler?
C. It's a stapler.
5.你不知道他的铅笔在哪里,你问: [ ]
A. What's in his pencil?
B. Where's her pencil?
C. Where's his pencil?
1-5 B AB AC