1. When I was a child, I made up my mind to be an artist.
________ a child, I _________ to be an artist.
2. He got a letter from his uncle last week. And the letter has more than 10000 words.
He ___________ ___________ his uncle last week. And the letter has __________10000 words.
3. Lucy wants to find a job in her free time.
Lucy is going to get a _________ job.
4. What's the weather like today?
__________ ____________ the weather today?
5. My computer doesn't work.
There is _________ ___________ ___________
下列划线词解释完全正确的一项[ ]
A、触目伤怀(心) 令人发指(竖起指头) 戏弄(耍笑捉弄)
B、迎养(迎来抚养) 叱骂(责骂) 衣衫褴褛(破烂)
C、记忆犹新(还) 惨绝人寰(人世) 些微(一些)
D、望九之年(接近) 变卖典质(抵押) 忐忑不安(心神不定)