问题 单项选择题









小题1:《紫藤萝瀑布》选自《铁箫人语》,是女作家              的一篇散文。

小题2:《童趣》选自清代文学家                            》中的“闲情记趣”一章,本文的主旨是写作者儿时的“物外之趣”。

小题3:《理想》是诗人              的一首现代哲理诗。选自《流沙河诗集》。

小题4:《论语》是记录              的一部书,共        篇,是儒家经典之一。

小题5:《春》是一篇写景抒情的散文,作是朱自清,字佩弦,代表作有《              》《              》等。

小题6:老舍,原名舒庆春,代表作有小说《              》和话剧《茶馆》等。

小题7:《观沧海》由东汉政治家、军事家              所作,这首诗的基调苍凉慷慨,历来被视为“              ”的代表作。

小题8:《钱塘湖春行》由唐代大诗人,晚年又叫香山居士的       所作。这首诗通过抓住环境和季节特征,选取典型景物描绘了钱塘湖的      风光,抒发了作者的喜悦心情。

小题9:《天净沙·秋思》是元代著名戏曲作家              所作。天净沙是曲牌名。

小题10:《山市》选自《聊斋志异》(一部文言短篇小说集),作者是清代文学家              ,字留仙,别号柳泉居士,世称“              ”。

小题11:《风筝》选自鲁迅的散文诗集《              》。鲁迅,原名周树人,字豫才。浙江绍兴人,我国伟大的思想家,文学家,革命家。他在1918年第一次以“鲁迅”为笔名发表中国现代文学史上第一篇白话小说《              》。

小题12:《咏雪》选自南朝宋时              组织人员编写的《              》,它是六朝              小说的代表作。

小题13:《天上的街市》取材于我国古代有关              的传说。它借丰富新奇的联想和想象,描绘了美妙的天街景象,表达了诗人摆脱封建束缚、追求理想、向往自由幸福的思想感情。


Millions of aircraft take off around the world every year. The skies they fly in seem limitless—miles of empty space. But, with the number of flights increasing each year, this emptiness no longer exists. Researchers in the world of aviation(航空)are worried about the increasing pressure on pilots and ground controllers. And increasing collisions, occurring at or near an airport, have called attention to the need for more aids(辅助设备)to aviation control.

People who travel the skies are not certain about air safety. A great deal of money is spent on new and bigger aircraft and airports to deal with the vast increase in passengers travelling by air. Only a small percentage of this money is spent on navigation(导航)and other aids. Actually, suitable electronic equipment has long existed, and many companies market safety aids designed to make it safer for aircraft to take off, fly any distance, and land, whatever the weather. Yet, there are two problems to be solved. The first is to get governments, airlines and airport officials to agree to basic levels of safety aids. The second problem is to find a way of meeting these basic requirements.

But no matter how well the equipment works, operators of the equipment still play an important role. Communications between pilots and ground controllers are extremely important to air safety. It is worth pointing out that the mishearing or misunderstanding of instructions in English and the use of another language, in an international conversation, have led to two recent aircraft accidents. A new type of instrument(仪器)called FLIGHTWATCH would help pilots prevent airport collisions. It would be particularly helpful near airports.

60. The increasing number of flights leads to the fact that ________.

A. flying is no longer limited in the sky

B. there is no empty space for aids to aviation control

C. piloting and controlling planes is getting more difficult

D. the pressure on the ground becomes greater

61. There is uncertainty about air safety because ________.

A. planes become bigger for the increasing number of passengers

B. money spent on electronic equipment is far from enough

C. suitable electronic equipment hasn’t been invented yet

D. it is dangerous for planes to take off or land

62. The underlined word “collisions” probably means ________.

A. accidents in which two planes hit each other

B. misunderstandings between pilots and ground controllers

C. quarrels among passengers      

D. breakdowns of new types of instrument

63. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

A. governments and officials have paid great attention to air safety

B. there should be more companies to sell new safety aids

C. English should be used in an international conversation

D. understanding between pilots and ground controllers should be improved