问题 单项选择题 B1型题











     What do you do to relax? Do you watch TV? Do you read a book? Or do you listen to music? How

many of us actually play a musical instrument? How many of us go to concerts? How important is music

in our lives? What kind of music do we like?

     The survey above shows the musical habits of a few of our readers. Interestingly, fourteen people out

of the twenty questioned actually play a musical instrument, while only six people don't. Out of these, ten

people practice their musical instrument between 0-3 hours a week and the other four between three and

six hours a week.

     The  best  instrument to  play is  the  guitar: eight  people  say it is  their  favourite  instrument to  play.

Another four people like  playing the piano and two like  playing the violin. Two people, however, don't

like playing the violin or the piano as they think they are too difficult.

     Pop concerts are always popular but, in this survey only eight people say they like going to concerts,

six to pop concerts and two to jazz concerts.

     A higher  number, eighteen, say they like listening to music as they  find it relaxing. Only two  people

don't like listening to music at all. These results seem to suggest that we are more actively musical than

we think.

1. How many of the twenty people don't play a musical instrument?


2. How many of the fourteen people like playing the guitar?


3. Why don't the two people like playing the violin or the piano?


4. Do most people like listening to music?

