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     Joe and Helen Mills had two small children. One was six and the other four. They always resisted (拒绝)

going to bed, and Helen was always complaining (抱怨) about this and asking Joe for help. But as he did not

come home until after they had gone to bed during the week, he was unable to help except at weekends.

     Joe considered hint: self a good singer, but really his voice was not at all musical. However, he decided that

if he sang to the children when they went to bed, it would help them to relax, and they would soon go to sleep.

     He did this every Saturday and Sunday night until he heard his small son whisper to his younger sister, "If

you pretend that you're asleep, he stops."

1. The children always resisted going to bed, which _____.

A. made Helen happy

B. satisfied their mother

C. Helen was not satisfied with

D. pleased their father

2. The husband couldn't help the wife to look after the children _____.

A. because he came back from work early

B. since his voice sounded like a singer's

C. except on Saturday and Sunday

D. for he did not come home at weekends

3. Joe worked _____.

A. all the week including Saturday and Sunday

B. during the week including the weekends

C. every day but Saturday and Sunday

D. every week except on Sunday

4. What can we learn from the above story?

A. Joe's song helped the children to relax.

B. With Joe's help, the children went to sleep.

C. The wife must be thankful to her husband for the great help.

D. The children were so tired of their father's voice that they pretended to be asleep.

5. This joke tells about _____.

A. Joe and Helen

B. Helen's trouble

C. Joe's silly action

D. the bright idea of Joe
