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实权元首总统与虚位元首总统的不同之处:在总统共和制国家中,国家元首由选举产生,并有一定的任期,这同世袭的、终身任职的君主制度是根本对立的。作为国家元首的总统往往兼任政府首脑,行政大权集中于总统,成为实权。在议会共和制国家中,国家元首同样由选举产生并有一定的任期,但是总统不掌握行 * * 而由政府掌握行 * * ,总统不对自己在履行职务时的行为负责,总统发布的命令和决定须经 * * 或有关部长签署,否则不生效。这种不掌握行 * * 的总统通常只是行政礼仪性的职能,在国家政治生活中的所起的实际作用远不如政府 * * ,更比不上掌握行 * * 的总统,因而又称为虚位元首。


根据短文判断下列句子的正确(T) 与错误(F)。

     Your home is a safe place, right? Think again. 

     Many serious accidents happen in people's homes. 

     Could you please prevent these accidents? Yes. Many accidents happen because people are careless.

So be careful! Here are some tips about safety. 

     Don't stand on chairs. Many people may fall off chairs and hurt themselves. 

     ●Keep the floor dry, and you won't slip (滑) or fall. 

     ●Be away from matches. Even a cigarette (香烟) can easily start a fire. Don't use water to put out fires.

Use salt instead. 

     ●Be careful with knives! Many people cut them- selves in the kitchen. Never touch the broken bottles,

doors or windows. Glass can also cause the most senous cuts. 

     ●Don't keep poisons (毒药) in the kitchen. 

     ●Never use electrical appliances (电器设备) in the shower. Dry the floor before you use them, or electricity

can hurt you! 

     ●Keep children away from hot water and hot drinks. They can be dangerous. But adults often forget it. 

     ●Look through the peephole (门镜) when you hear the knock on the door. Don't let strangers in.

     In a word, we should learn to protect ourselves and stay away from danger.

( )1. You must be careful when there is water on the floor.

( )2. Salt can't be used for putting out fires.

( )3. It's not safe for people to touch switches (电源插座) with wet hands.

( )4. Water and drinks can be dangerous for both children and adults.

( )5. Open the door at once when you hear someone knocking at the door.
