1.你想表达算式“13 +2=?,你可以说: [ ]
A. What's thirteen plus two?
B. What's thirteen minus two?
2.你想告诉同学们该回家了,你应该说: [ ]
A. It's time to go home.
B. It's time to go to school.
3.休想知道照片上的女孩是谁,你可以说: [ ]
A. Who's the woman?
B. Who's the girl?
4.当别人回答正确时,你可以说: [ ]
A. You're right.
B. You're wrong.
5.你想看同桌的故事书,应该说: [ ]
A. That: s a storybook.
B. Can I have a look at your storybook?