问题 选择题

2006年5月1日,在刚刚结束的第48届世乒赛男团决赛中,卫冕冠军中国队3比0大胜最大劲敌韩国队,实现了世乒赛男团三连冠,这也是中国男队第15次捧起斯韦思林杯。遇到困难时必胜的信念一直没有改变。王励勤30日在中国队与德国队争夺决赛权时不负众望,为中国队独得两分,带领中国乒乓球男队挺进决赛。在对阵波尔时险情频频出现,但在主场观众雷鸣般的掌声中,王励勤顶住了压力,在关键的第五局反败为胜,夺得比赛胜利。他说,遇到困难时最重要的是心态,他在场上必胜的信念一直没有改变,在关键球的处理上,尤其是在落后的情况下能够调整技战术。这说明人的精神状态(  )









单项选择题 B1型题


     What are the situations that make you shy? You're not shy all the time. For example, when you're with your best friend, you're probably very open and comfortable being yourself. Shyness is the effect of feeling insecure(不安全). If you can identify what you're feeling insecure about, you can then take action on it.

     Many of us tend to focus on what we're not good at, rather than recognize what we are good at. As a

result, we feel awkward around others, because we feel there's nothing impressive about ourselves. It's

time to stop selling yourself short and start focusing on your strengths. What are you good at? What are

your past achievements? What are things you've done that you are really proud of? Spend some time to

recognize them.

     Many people worry too much about what others think about them. But the funny thing is, it's just in

your mind. Most people are actually too busy to pay attention to what you're doing or not doing, so stop

spending time worrying about others' opinion of you.

     Can you think of someone (whether a friend or a famous person) you know who is very confident,

assured and outgoing? Use the person as your role model. Whenever you feel shy, ask yourself what that

person will do/say in this situation. Then, do that. Soon, it becomes second nature to you to behave in that manner.

     Another great way to overcome shyness is to observe how others around you act. Reduce the time

you spend worrying about what others think of you and look outward at how others behave themselves

socially. What do they say? How do they act? What can you learn from them?

1. According to the passage, what is the reason for shyness?  (No more than 3 words)


2. How many suggestions are given in the passage?  (No more than 2 words)


3. According to the writer, why don't we need to worry about others' opinion of us? (No more than 15

