问题 单项选择题 B型题










1.丹毒是一种累及真皮浅层淋巴管的感染,主要致病菌为A组β溶血性链球菌。 2.痈为相邻近的多个毛囊及毛囊周围急性化脓性炎症。致病菌为金黄色葡萄球菌。 3.气性坏疽的病变是由于各种气性坏疽杆菌侵入伤口后引起的广泛性的肌肉坏死的一种迅速发展的严重性感染,伴随着肌肉广泛性坏死,可有气体或无气体产生,伴随着严重的毒血症,通常发生于开放性骨折、深层肌肉广泛性挫伤,伤口内有死腔和异物存在或伴有血管损伤以及局部组织血供不良的伤病员,偶也可发生于择期手术,尤其是下肢、结肠和胆囊手术后。主要致病菌是梭状芽孢杆菌,为革兰染色阳性厌氧杆菌,有许多种,但往往以产气荚膜杆菌、恶性水肿杆菌和腐败杆菌为主,其次为产芽孢杆菌和溶组织杆菌等,通常是两种以上致病菌的混合感染。


As John moved his bicycle out of the driveway, he heard his mom shout, “Don’t forget to lock it!” He thought to himself that she was such a   36  . Really, what could   37   at that little library in the small prairie(大草原)town?

The day,   38   most that summer, was bright and hot. As he   39  , sweat trickled(滴下) down. When he arrived at the library, he leaned his bike   40   the railing(栏杆) and,   41   his mother’s advice, didn’t bother to   42   it.

The library was extremely   43  , filled with the distinct smell of books.   44   in the stacks(堆), John spent longer than he’d imagined   45   just the right book. He waited patiently for his   46  , and watched   47   the librarian fed his card through the recorded machine.

As he went out of the library, he saw his bike   48   down the sidewalk. Walking beside it was a boy, perhaps fifteen years old.

“Hey! That’s my bike! What do you think you’re doing? Give it   49  .”

“Give it back! You’re   50  . It’s not yours.”

John felt   51   with this boy and his words that the bike was his own. What could he do? He wasn’t at all sure   52   to deal with him.

At that moment, John surprised himself.   53   a step toward the boy, he took   54   of his bike. “This bike is mine. You’ll have to give it back to me.”   55   by his determination, the boy let him go. John jumped on and rode home as quickly as he dared. He felt a little strange, however, and a bit older somehow, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on why.

36. A. housewife               B. mother                 C. worrier          D. talker

37. A. happen            B. steal              C. lose              D. take

38. A. as                       B. with                  C. of                     D. like

39. A. went                      B. rode              C. ran                       D. drove

40. A. to                          B. on                 C. at                        D. against

41. A. remembering          B. thinking       C. reminding           D. ignoring

42. A. lock                       B. place             C. mind             D. care

43. A. hot                  B. warm             C. cool                      D. cold

44. A. Missed                    B. Run             C. Seated           D. Lost

45. A. to choose          B. choosing         C. to search         D. searching

46. A. turn                 B. chance           C. book              D. Bike

47. A. as                   B. because          C. since              D. while

48. A. move                      B. moving         C. moved            D. being moved

49. A. in                   B. out               C. up                D. back

50. A. laughing                    B. smiling             C. cheating            D. joking

51. A. angry                      B. glad               C. sorry             D. content

52. A. what                      B. how               C. when             D. whether

53. A. Walking                     B. Making             C. Going               D. Taking

54. A. hand                          B. lift                    C. hold                  D. finger

55. A. scared                 B. surprised           C. worried             D. disappointed
