设在工程中定义了如下类型: Type stutype ino As Integer strname As String*20 strsex As String* 1 smark As Single End Type在窗体上正确使用这个类型的是下列哪个操作( )。
A.Sub Commandl_Click0 Dim student As Stutype With student .ino = 12 . strname = smith .strsex = .smark = 89 End With End Sub
B.Sub Commandl_Click0 Dim student As Stutype With student .ino = 12 .strname = "smith" .strscx = "男" .smark = 89 End With End Sub
C.Sub Commandl_Click0 Dim student As Stutype With Stutype ino = 12 .strname = "smith" .strsex = "男" .smark = 89 End With End Sub
D.Sub Command1 _Click() Dim student As Stutype With student .ino = 12 .strname = "smith" .strsex = "男" .smark = 89 End student End Sub