问题 单项选择题 A1型题









Suppose you want to go abroad and learn about the foreign exchange in culture in different countries.Here is some information you may need.
Name:Susan Lane       Age:22
Place:Reykjavik, Iceland, 1994.
Experience:“I think it was a turning point in my life.I began to understand more about my own culture by experiencing another culture and seeing how other people live.”
Name:Sara Small        Age:23
Place:Crivitz, Germany, 1996.
Organization:EF Foundation
Experience:“I love the traveling and I made a lot of friends.I found the European school system to be hard but I am fluent now in German so it was worth it.I did miss my family and friends in Australia but I would love to do it again.”
Name:David Links       Age:16
Place:Stuttgart, Germany, 1996.
Organization:Southern Cross Cultural Exchange
Experience:“I wanted to try something that was very different in culture.In Germany everything was different but I soon got settled.The family I was with was great and I really feel as though I have a second family.”
Name:Tom Jennings      Age:21
Place:Conflans, France, 1995..
Organization:Southern Cross cultural Exchange
Experience:“There were times when it was difficult but I liked it, experiencing a different culture.You just have to play each situation as it comes.If there is one thing you learn when you are on a student-exchange program it is how to take care of yourself.”
Name:Linda Marks       Age:19
Place:Chonburi Province, Thailand, 1994.
Organization:Rotary International
Experience:“There are lots of ups and downs, but you always come back for more.I had a few problems but there was always someone to turn to and that was great.”
小题1:According to the information, taking part in a foreign exchange program can cost _______.
A.from $6,000 to $8,000B.from $3,500 to $8,000
C.anything from $3,500D.no more than $7,000
小题2:Most of the students had their trips organized by ________.
A.EF Foundation B.AFS
C.Rotary International D.SCCE
小题3:The students who refer to both the good and bad times as an exchange student include ______.
A.Susan Lane and Sara SmallB.Linda Marks and David Links
C.Tom Jennings and Linda MarksD.Susan Lane and Tom Jennings

2001年3月,A、B、C、D、E五家国有企业联合组建设立的“Y有限责任公司”(以下简称Y公司) 依法登记成立,注册资本为1亿元,其中A企业以工业产权出资,协议作价金额1400万元;B企业以现金出资1600万元,是出资最多的股东。公司成立后,由A企业召集和主持了首次股东会会议,设立了董事会。 2001年5月,Y公司董事会发现,A企业作为出资的工业产权的实际价额显著低于公司章程所定的价额,为了使公司股东出资总额仍达到1亿元,董事会提出了解决方案,即:由A企业补足差额;如果A企业不能补足差额,则由其他股东摧毁出资比例分担该差额。 2002年5月,公司经过一段时间的运作后,经济效益较好,董事会制订了一个增加注册资本的方案,方案提出将公司现有的注册资本由1亿元增加到1.5亿元。增资方案提交股东会讨论表决时,有3家股东赞成增资,这3家股东出资总和为6250万元。股东会通过了增资决议,并授权董事会执行。 2002年10月,Y公司因业务发展需要,依法成立了海南分公司,经营装饰材料。海南分公司在生产经营过程中,因违反了合同约定被诉至法院,对方以Y公司是海南分公司的总公司为由,要求Y公司承担违约责任。案件审理过程中,又发现分公司经理曹某曾代理M公司从外国进口一批新型装饰材料,并以M公司名义全部销售给N公司。曹某从此项交易中获利5万元。 问题: (1) Y公司的首次股东会议由A企业召集和主持是否合法为什么 (2) Y公司董事会作出的关于A企业出资不足的解决方案的内容是否合法说明理由。 (3) Y公司股东会作出的增资决议是否合法说明理由。 (4) 曹某的行为是否合法并说明理由。