问题 完形填空

Competitors who wear red win more than those that are dressed in any other color, according to study in Germany.

 小题1:  Experts believe that red could make individuals and teams feel more confident as well as being perceived by others as more aggressive.

 小题2:  On the other hand, the results could suggest that the success of those teams has given those that wear the red color more confident.

The study, by German sports psychologists at the University of Munster, was reported in New Scientist magazine. They showed video recording of taekwondo matches to 42 experienced referees. One fighter wore blue and the other wore red. They then showed them the same recordings but digitally manipulated the clothing to exchange the colors.    小题3:   “If one competitor is strong and the other is weak, it won’t change the outcome of the fight,” said Norbert Hagemann, who led the study. “ 小题4:  ”      

In 2004 scientists at Durham University also looked at how color influenced sporting competitiveness. They analyzed Olympic contest sports such as boxing, taekwondo, and freestyle wrestling and found that nearly 55% of which were won by the competitor in red.

“  小题5: ”said Robert Burton, one of the researchers.

A.It is the color of fire and is often associated with energy, danger, strength, power, and determination.

B.The fighters wearing red were given an average of 13 percent more points than when they wore blue.

C.The study shows that football shirts from worldwide teams such as Arsenal, Liverpool, sell successfully.

D.It is reasonable that wearing red makes individuals feel more confident, although this hasn’t yet been tested.E. Researchers found that those who wear red tops, jackets or clothing score 10 percent more in any competition than if they were in another color.

F. The findings could explain why Manchester United, Liverpool and Arsenal have been so successful.

G. But the closer the levels, the easier it is for the color to tip the scale.








小题1: 根据Experts believe that red could make individuals and teams feel more confident as well as being perceived by others as more aggressive. 故选E。

小题2:根据On the other hand, the results could suggest that the success of those teams has given those that wear the red color more confident. 故选F。

小题3:根据They showed video recording of taekwondo matches to 42 experienced referees. One fighter wore blue and the other wore red. They then showed them the same recordings but digitally manipulated the clothing to exchange the colors. 故选B。

小题4:根据“If one competitor is strong and the other is weak, it won’t change the outcome of the fight,” said Norbert Hagemann, who led the study.故选G。

小题5:根据said Robert Burton, one of the researchers. 故选D。


A市B房地产开发公司在城市规划区内通过出让方式取得了一块土地的使用权,在签订的土地使用权出让合同中规定,此土地按照城市规划为住宅用地,需进行商品住宅建设。 B公司通过调查研究,发现将临街的部分土地用于商业将更具市场潜力,同时也会对其后的商品楼带来升值作用,遂向有关部门提出建设二层商业中心的申请,申请最终得到批准。拆迁前委托C二级房地产估价机构,进行了拆迁评估。B公司在拆迁中遇到钉子户D,无正当理由拒不与B公司签订拆迁协议,致使商品房建设难以进行。此期间,商业中心建设按期进行,并于次年5月完成施工任务,并通过竣工验收。并及时办理了该商业中心的《房屋所有权证》。随后,B房地产开发公司将其出租给E经贸公司进行经营;而E经贸公司由于自身原因,又将该商业中心转租给个体户F。在此之后,商品住宅建设开始启动,在建设过程中,为了融通资金, B房地产开发公司将先前建设的商业中心向建设银行进行了抵押,从而保证了商品住宅的按期完工。

拆迁评估时,C房地产估价机构对房屋拆迁性质、面积认定应掌握的原则包括( )。



