一位领导者的影响作用是整体性的,也就是说,职权影响力和个人影响力在领导过程中,总是相互联系、相互交织地发挥作用的。对领导者来说,为了实现领导必须有一定的职位权力,才能借以推进他所负责的工作。但是,如果领导者只凭职位权力去推进工作,甚至滥用权力、以权压人,事情肯定是办不好的。 这段话主要支持了这样一个论点,即( )。
Part 4
Questions 26-45
iPhone Left in Hot Car for Three Hours
A. about B. withC. forD. to
According to official police records, two officers forcibly (36) into the car at 4:07 p.m. and found the iPhone (37) face down on the dashboard. The iPhone at first showed no (38) of life, but after a tense few seconds, officers were able to wake it and get it to (39) to a series of simple touch commands. Police said that if the iPhone were left in the extreme (40) for any longer, it could have died.The iPhone was rushed by ambulance to a nearby Apple facility for careful (41) .Miraculously, no damage to its memory, screen, or wireless capabilities was reported.Upper-middle-class suburbanites from all over the North Shore area have reacted to the near-tragedy with an unprecedented outpouring of (42) . Hundreds of cards and letters have come streaming in, and local talk radio shows have been flooded (43) calls demanding that the iPhone’s (44) be prosecuted. Many have come forward offering to take the iPhone into their custody, and still (45) have donated free downloads, ringtones, and MP3s to the victimized object.