问题 单项选择题

The Bush administration is about to propose far-reaching new rules that would give people with disabilities greater access to tens of thousands of courtrooms, swimming pools, golf courses, stadiums, theaters, hotels and retail stores. The proposal would substantially update and rewrite federal standards for enforcement of the Americans With Disabilities Act, a landmark civil rights law passed with p bipartisan support in 1990. The new rules would set more stringent requirements in many areas and address some issues for the first time, in an effort to meet the needs of an aging population and growing numbers of disabled war veterans.

More than seven million businesses and all state and local government agencies would be affected. The proposal includes some exemptions for parts of existing buildings, but any new construction or renovations would have to comply. The new standards would affect everything from the location of light switches to the height of retail service counters, to the use of monkeys as "service animals" for people with disabilities, which would be forbidden’.

The White House approved the proposal in May after a five-month review. It is scheduled to be published in the Federal Register on Tuesday, with 60 days for public comment. After considering those comments, the government would issue final rules with the force of law. Already, the proposal is stirring concern. The United States Chamber of Commerce says it would be onerous and costly, while advocates for disabled Americans say it does not go far enough.

Since the disability law was signed by the first President Bush, advances in technology have made services more available to people with disabilities. But Justice Department officials said they were still receiving large numbers of complaints. In recent months, the federal government has settled lawsuits securing more seats for disabled fans at Madison Square Garden in New York and at the nation’s largest college football stadium, at the University of Michigan.

The Justice Department acknowledged that some of the changes would have significant costs. But over all, it said, the value of the public benefits, estimated at $ 54 billion, exceeds the expected costs of $ 23 billion. In an economic analysis of the proposed rules, the Justice Department said the need for an accessible environment was greater than ever because the Iraq war was "creating a new generation of young men and women with disabilities". John L. Wodatch, chief of the disability rights section of the Justice Department, said:"Disability is inherent in the human condition. The vast majority of individuals who are fortunate enough to reach an advanced age will benefit from the proposed requirements.

The case of securing more seats for disabled fans is mentioned in Paragraph 4 to()

A. illustrate the Justice Department officials’ heavy burden

B. prove the disabled fans’ enthusiasm for sport-events

C. indicate the low efficiency of modern technology

D. exemplify the inadequacy of the accessible service for the disabled




[考点] 事实细节

此题考查考生对文章中例子及语境的理解。举例是为了主题,即证明本段段首所指明的现象:“科技进步已经使残疾人享受到更多的服务”(advances in technology have made services more available to people with disabilities),但“还有大量的投诉”(still receiving large numbers of complaints)。但是也不能单纯地看待这个现象,为什么有投诉这个现象说明“残疾人享受的服务增加了,但是还不够”。如此一来,本段的功能就清晰可见——总结上一段的问题(不同的评论)并引出下一段的论证(虽然昂贵,但有价值)。因此,D选项是这个例子及本段主旨的正确理解。

[干扰项分析] A选项中的heavy burden及B选项enthusiasm在原文中得不到印证,属于无中生有的内容,因此A、B选项错误。而C选项中的low efficiency(贬义评价)和原文中的have made services mote available(褒义评价)明显冲突,因此错误。
