Dear Li Ming,
Now we are on the farm of our village in the west of England.We are having a good time.There are
many children here.Mary and Ted are playing soccer.Some people are singing under the big green tree.
Some people are swimming in the river.Some people are taking photos near the river.I'm writing to you.
What are you doing now? I hope you are enjoying the summer holiday(假期)。
1. Who is writing the letter?[ ]
A. Li Ming.
B. Lucy.
C. Mike.
D. Kate.
2. Where are Mike and his friends?[ ]
A. On a farm.
B. In the west of China.
C. In a city.
D. In the south of England.
3. What is Ted doing?[ ]
A. He's reading.
B. He's taking photos.
C. He's singing.
D. He's playing soccer.
4. What are Mike and his friends doing?[ ]
A. They are enjoying the holiday.
B. They are studying.
C. They are swimming and singing
D. They are working.
5. What holiday are they having?[ ]
A. A summer holiday.
B. A winter holiday.
材料一:为加强农业基础,增加农民收入,保障农民权益,促进农村和谐,2008年10月12日中 * * 党召开第十七届三中全会,通过了《中 * * 关于推进农村改革发展若干重大问题的决定》,提出推进农村改革发展的指导思想、目标任务、重大原则。 2009年3月5日,国务院的《政府工作报告》,提出了巩固和加强农业基础地位,促进农业稳定发展和农民持续增收的具体措施。随后,十一届全国人大二次会议审议、批准了《政府工作报告》。
材料二:胡 * * 在庆祝人民政协成立60周年的讲话中强调,要加强和改善党对人民政协的领导,充分发挥人民政协在国家政治生活中的作用。要增强开展政治协商的自觉性和主动性,畅通民主监督渠道,积极采纳人民政协提出的真知灼见,真正使人民政协参政议政成为充分反映民意、广泛集中民智的重要途径。