问题 多项选择题







参考答案:A, B, C, D



A: Where are you from?                                             

B: I’m from Canada.

A: Really? I t____76___ you were from the States.                     小题1:________

B: That’s not s____77_____. A lot of people can’t tell                   小题2: ________

the d___78_____ between an American accent and a                    小题3:______

Canadian accent. For example, most Canadians say news [nju:z],

but Americans say [nu:z]. We m___79____ use American words,          小题4:_______

but we use quite a lot of British words too. We fill our cars

with “gas”, which is American, but we turn on the “tap” which is

British English.

A: Oh! And do you use American o_80  British spelling?              小题5:_______

B: Both! American spellings are used more and more in Canada now.

G__81____ speaking, newspapers f___82__ the American way , but     小题6:______

conference reports and schoolbooks use British spelling.                小题7:______

A: That s___83___ strange.                                        小题8:________

B: You mean it looks strange! I’ll tell you something that does sound strange.

Many people think that C___84__ all over the country speak the same    小题9:______

way. But if you go to the eastern provinces, or go to some country areas,

you’ll notice that the people there speak quite differently f___85__ the    小题10:______

rest of Canada.
