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问答题 案例分析题

某高科技集团在上海浦东投资兴建总部办公大楼,为了加快建设进度、尽快投入使用,业主采用平行承发包模式,将土建工程、装饰装修工程分别与两家不同的工程公司A、B分别签署了相应的土建施工合同、装饰装修施工合同。施工过程中发生如下事件: 事件一:土建施工单位A在基础施工完成后,与城市市政管线进行初步连接的过程中,发现市政接口与新建工程的相对位置与业主给定的原设计图纸不符,认为是业主提供市政接口资料有误,A单位提出应由业主补偿由于市政管线位置与原图给定不符所带来增加的施工工作量。监理工程师实地检查后,认为施工单位新建建筑定位放线可能有误,提出重新复查定位线。A单位从开工前设计院移交坐标点位重新进行引测,仍与施工现状相符。监理单位上报建设单位后,建设单位要求更换测量仪器再次复测。施工单位只好停工配合复测,此次结果仍证明新建工程位置与原设计相符。A单位又向建设单位提出了因两次检查的配和费用和相应的停工损失的索赔要求。 事件二:土建施工单位A在征得业主同意后,将附着式升降脚手架分包给具备相应资质的专业公司C完成。专业公司C根据工程实际情况编写了专项施工方案,由于无需专家论证,经C公司技术负责人签字审核后报监理工程师审批。监理工程师提出两点意见:一、实施总承包的工程,其专项方案必须由总承包单位组织编制;二、审批手续不正确,不应是C公司技术负责人签字审核,而应为A单位技术负责人签字审核。 事件三:土建施工A单位在工程结构施工完成时,装饰装修B单位也进入施工现场,此时施工现场存在大量垂直运输工作。由于A单位设置的施工电梯运输能力的限制,无法同时满足实际需要,A单位为了自身施工需要,当自身工作量比较大的时候不允许B单位使用施工电梯,造成装饰装修施工进度严重滞后,使整个工程的工期延误了36d。B单位向建设单位就延误的工期提出索赔。经查,业主与B单位签订的合同条款中只约定"现场协调由业主完成,并为施工单位创造可利用条件、垂直运输等"。




     If American customs seem strange, remember that Americans feel the same way when they visit

another country, people living in different cultures do many daily things differently from one another.

What a dull(not interesting or boring) the world would be if this were not true!

     Some differences are small, and one soon becomes used to them. For example, many people find

it strange that Americans move from place to place so often. Born in one city, they may attend school

in a second, enter business in a third, and perhaps move several times during their lives. Today, most

Americans fully expect and accept the fact that they will move frequently.

     However, houses are of great interest to Americans. They spend a lot of time thinking, reading and

talking about their homes and how to improve them. They also enjoy looking at other people's houses,

since they would enjoy visiting and examining a house in another country, they may suppose that you

will probably have the same desire(strong wish) when you visit the United States. So do not be

surprised when you visit an American family and are shown every room in the house besides the

bathroom and kitchen.

1. The first paragraph suggests that ___.    

A. customs are different from country to country

B. Americans feel uneasy when they visit another country

C. only American customs prove to be strange

D. customs are different in different times

2. According to the passage, the world would be terribly dull if___.  

A. the people all over the world spoke the same language

B. most of the world people did daily things differently from one another

C. people livin I in different countries did a lot of thing I in the same way

D. people living in various regions in the world did a few daily things in the same way

3.Most Americans think it normal that___.  

A. they do many daily things differently from one another

B. customs are different from country to country

C. the world is not dull

D. they will move frequently

4. Which of the following statement is NOT true?  

A. It takes Americans much time to think, read and talk about their houses and how to perfect them

B.You are showing all the rooms in the houses except the bathroom when you visit an American family

C. Americans perhaps move several times during their lives

D. Americans enjoy visiting others' houses