问题 填空题






      Happier people are generally healthier people-not only mentally, but also physically.

So everyone tries to pursue happiness. What's the pursuit of happiness? It means

practicing happiness regularly, making it a habit, and reprogramming our brains by creating

new emotional pathways.

      Psychologists' studies have suggested that several factors contribute to our happiness.

It's shown that only 10% of our ability for happiness depends upon external(外在的)

circumstances! 50% of our happiness level is dependant on genetic genes and 50% is

learned. Of the 50% learned, only 10% is determined by our circumstances. The other

40% is determined by our habitual thoughts, feeling, words, and actions. That 40% is

what we have power to change!

     So how can we learn to be happy? It takes practice, practice, practice. Here are

three ways to get started.

     Power of positive thinking: Our negative selftalk is so powerful; it overwhelms

(覆没)all other input. It therefore takes numerous positive experiences to overcome

a single negative one. For each negative thought, state three positive qualities that you

possess and start creating a new positive thought.

     Open your heart and share the best of you with others: Happy people are more

giving, outgoing, flexible and creative. Does serving others make you happy or does being

happy better enable you to be of service? What difference does it make? Just reach out and

start giving!

     Honor yourself: Be gentle and forgiving toward yourself. You need to unconditionally

love and approve of your innermost(内心的)being, which is the keystone that supports all

gateways toward personal growth, fulfillment, and happiness.

      True happiness isn't a short pleasure but a sense of wholeness and fulfillment. Happiness is our right as human beings and to pursue happiness is our duty.