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在“序幕”中,通过天地晦冥,风声和涛声织成“罪恶底交鸣”等环境气氛的描绘,预示了一场罪恶的战争即将来临。接着,女神们各自离开神龛,齐声唱出“我们要去创造个新鲜的太阳”的歌声,初展全诗的主题。继之,写颛顼与共工争夺帝位,互相残杀,共工惨遭失败后怒撞天柱,于是天倾地裂,共工与颛顼同归于尽,大地呈现一片浑沌。女神们决心不再补那破了的天体,而要去“创造些新的光明,新的温热”,去新造太阳。诗人曾明白指出“《女神之再生》象征着当时中国的南北战争。„„想在南北之外建设一个第三中国”。作者为了要让旧社会彻底灭亡,写共工与颛顼同归于尽。再生的女神是诗人理想的化身,也是五四时代精神的象征。她们为了战取光明,跳出神龛,要创造新的太阳驱走黑暗,照亮宇宙,于是投入了改天换地的宏伟事业,充满着创造的精神。她们对于旧世界毫无留恋,她们有着崇高的理想,她们心地热烈、纯洁、美丽:“我们的心脏,好象些鲜红的金鱼,在水晶瓶里跳跃。”圣洁的女神是新中国的创造者,是中 * * 新一代的革命精神面貌的深刻写照。作品中出现了农叟和牧童,是在战后惨遭蹂躏的劳动人民的形象,诗人深表同情。作品结尾,当朝霞已在东方升起,欢声已从海疆传来时,女神们奏出一曲曲优美的乐章,把全剧推向高潮。这三曲乐章是光明的歌、希望的歌,是新时代的迎春曲,集中表现了驱除黑暗、创造光明的主题思想。诗中的形象鲜明,节奏优美,境界开阔,那叮当叮当的悦耳之声,自远而近,好似催人前进的号角。


There was once, in a little market-town not far from Upsala (瑞典一城市), a peasant who lived there with his family, digging the earth during the week and singing in the choir on Sundays. This peasant had a little daughter to whom he taught the musical alphabet before she knew how to read. Daae was a great musician, perhaps without knowing it. Not a violinist in Scandinavia played as he did. His reputation was widespread and he was always invited to set the couples dancing at weddings and other festivals. His wife died when Christine was entering upon her sixth year. Then the father, who cared only for his daughter and his music, sold his land and went to Upsala in search of fame and fortune. He found nothing but poverty.

He returned to the country, wandering from fair to fair, playing his Scandinavian music pieces, while his child, who never left his side, listened to him in delight or sang to his playing. One day, at Ljimby Fair, Professor Valerius heard them and took them to Gothenburg. He insisted that the father was the first violinist in the world and that the daughter had the making of a great artist. Her education and instruction were provided for. She made rapid progress and charmed everybody with her prettiness, her grace of manner and her real eagerness to please.

When Valerius and his wife went to settle in France, they took Daae and Christine with them. "Mamma" Valerius treated Christine as her daughter. As for Daae, he became ill with homesickness. He never went out of doors in Paris, but lived in a sort of dream which he kept up with his violin. For hours at a time, he remained locked up in his bedroom with his daughter, playing and singing, very, very softly.

Daae seemed not to recover his strength until the summer, when the whole family went to stay at Perros-Guirec, in a far-away corner of Brittany, where the sea was of the same color as in his own country. Often he would play his saddest tunes on the beach and pretend that the sea stopped its roaring to listen to them. And then he persuaded Mamma Valerius to allow him to leave for a while. At the time of the "pardons," the village festivals and dances, he went off with his violin, as in the old days, and was allowed to take his daughter with him for a week. They gave the smallest villages music to last them for a year and slept at night in a barn, refusing a bed at the inn, lying close together on the straw, as when they were so poor in Sweden. At the same time, they were very neatly dressed, refused the halfpence offered to them; and the people around could not understand the behaviour of this country violinist, who walked heavily on the roads with that pretty child who sang like an angel from Heaven. They followed them from village to village.

小题1: When he was in the countryside, Daae did NOT __________.

A.work on his land

B.sing in the choir on Sundays

C.make a fortune at weddings and festivals

D.teach his daughter how to sing小题2:The 3rd sentence “He insisted …” in the 2nd paragraph showed Professor Valerius’ ______.

A.hope for Daae and Christine

B.appreciation of Daae and Christine

C.sympathy for Daae and Christine

D.love for Daae and Christine小题3: While Daae was in Paris, he never went out of doors because he was ________.

A.always sleepy

B.so homesick that he fell ill

C.too busy teaching his daughter

D.willing to be locked up with his daughter小题4: What made people curious about the father and daughter was that _______.

A.the father made very good music

B.the daughter sang like an angel from Heaven

C.the father walked strangely with his daughter

D.they appeared to be badly off but refused money offered

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