1935年,法国 * * 就意大利的扩张趋势曾说过:“如果意大利向多瑙河、巴尔干扩张,会造成欧洲战争;如果让它们在非洲沙漠畅通无阻,或许就能够安静下来。”他的观点表明法国( ) |
A.推行中立政策 B.主张制止法西斯侵略 C.推行绥靖政策 D.推行侵略扩张政策 |
1935年,法国 * * 就意大利的扩张趋势曾说过:“如果意大利向多瑙河、巴尔干扩张,会造成欧洲战争;如果让它们在非洲沙漠畅通无阻,或许就能够安静下来。”他的观点表明法国( ) |
A.推行中立政策 B.主张制止法西斯侵略 C.推行绥靖政策 D.推行侵略扩张政策 |
The safety of ships at sea does not depend only on the arrangements made in the ships themselves. Dangerous coasts and rocks may be seen in the daytime, (51) they are a threat to safe navigation at night. Lighthouses are therefore erected at such places to (52) sailors of the danger. Modern lighthouses are put up at all dangerous places near the courses (53) by ships. On some rocky coasts several lighthouses may be built not far from each other, and (54) the sailors on a ship may know which is which, they have (55) arrangements of lights. One lighthouse will give a single flash at regular (56) , another may give two flashes; a third may give two followed by one; and so on. (57) watching the lights the navigator is able to decide exactly where he is, and he can set his (58) with confidence. In the approaches to some ports two continuous lights are set up, one above (59) but some distance behind; when they appear from the sea one above the other, the ship is on the right course; but if they do not, the captain knows that he is (60) his course and likely to strike a rock or the bottom of the sea. |
C.the other