The Environmental Protection Agency must respond to the hazard to children’s health posed by exposure to asbestos fibers released in the air in school classrooms. Since it is impossible to close school buildings, the best plan would be to initiate programs that mandate the immediate removal of asbestos from all the school buildings that are found to contain asbestos, regardless of whether or not the buildings are in use. Which of the following, if true, is the pest reason for the Environmental Protection Agency not to follow the plan outlined above
A.The techniques available for removing asbestos often increase the level of airborne asbestos.
B.Schools are places where asbestos is especially likely to be released into the air by the action of the occupants.
C.Children exposed to airborne asbestos run a greater risk of developing cancer than do adults exposed to airborne asbestos.
D.The cost of removing asbestos varies from school to school, depending on accessibility and the quantity of asbestos to be removed.
E.(E) It is impossible to determine with any degree of certainty if and when construction materials that contain asbestos will break down and release asbestos fibers into the air.