1. Many people d________(捐赠) lots of money to the children in poor areas.
2. You can support our work by making a ________ (捐赠) .
3. Our charity show was a s________ and we had a lot of support from local government
4. It was exciting to be the ________ (主持) of the show.
5. The c________ rose, the host came on the stage with a microphone in her hand.
6. There are many ________ (advertise) in today’s newspapers .
下列词语中,加点的字读音全都正确的一组是( )。
A.倾慕(qing) 俊彦(yàn) 渲染(xiàn) 嘉言懿行(yì)
B.轩昂(xuān) 萦绕(yíng) 酽茶(yàn) 怦然心动(ping)
C.黏膜(nián) 囊括(náng) 笃信(dǔ) 桑榆暮景(mù)
D.脊梁(jí) 甄别(zhēn) 晋谒(yè) 披肝沥胆(l ì)