问题 多项选择题








参考答案:A, B, D

     Eighty-year-old retired tailor, James McKay, spent Saturday night in jail after   1   thirty-year-old Keith
Smith over the head   2   his walking stick. McKay's wife, Laurence told us that while McKay is usually a
   3   person, he had been   4   to this act of violence by getting wet just once too often.
     Smith lives above the McKays and it appears that not only is he a keen gardener, he is also a   5   collector.
Unfortunately for him, the water he sent over his balcony every day ended up on the McKay's, or too often,
on the McKays   6  .
     "For the last fortnight, since Smith moved into the flat above us, we have hardly dared to go to our   7  ,"
said Laurene. She added, that it wasn't so much the water falling onto their balcony from Smith watering his
plant   8   bothered them, it was more the way he cleaned his fish tanks. "We'd be   9   there happily reading
our newspapers, when  10  so much water would come from above that we'd be as wet as if we'd  11  with
our clothes on! Neither could we get rid of the  12  of fish!"
     And on Saturday evening it was just too  13 . "It was James's birthday," explained Laurene, "and I'd made
him a birthday cake. The candles were a great sight as you can imagine, but James didn't get to blow them
out."  14 , Smith emptied one of his larger tanks over his balcony and both the McKays and the cake were wet
  15 . Rarely had Laurene seen McKay move so fast. "I couldn't  16  him. He was up there in a flash. It was
the fastest I@^@^@d seen him move since 1964."
     Smith is not going to take things further with the police. He has also promised to change his  17   from now
on. And what of James McKay?  18  he left the police station, a large crowd of supporters sang him, "Happy
Birthday  19  the most exciting birthday  20 !" said the cheerful old man. "The best since my adolescence I'd
( )1. A. hitting   
( )2. A. by        
( )3. A. quiet     
( )4. A. accustomed
( )5. A. fish      
( )6. A. themselves
( )7. A. bathroom  
( )8. A. which     
( )9. A. sitting   
( )10. A. regularly
( )11. A. swum     
( )12. A. taste    
( )13. A. little   
( )14. A. Otherwise
( )15. A. over     
( )16. A. stop     
( )17. A. views    
( )18. A. While    
( )19. A. Sincerely
( )20. A. before   
B. tapping    
B. with       
B. sensitive  
B. driven     
B. seed       
B. itself     
B. balcony    
B. what       
B. exercising   
B. suddenly   
B. watered    
B. smell      
B. soon       
B. Besides    
B. across     
B. blame      
B. attitude   
B. Since      
B. Impossibly 
B. already    
C. pushing    
C. through    
C. stubborn   
C. taken      
C. plant      
C. herself    
C. bedroom    
C. that       
C. sleeping   
C. precisely  
C. showered   
C. feeling    
C. late       
C. Instead       
C. through    
C. ignore     
C. minds      
C. Until      
C. Previously 
C. ever       
D. touching      
D. via           
D. peaceful      
D. attracted     
D. newspaper     
D. himself       
D. kitchen       
D. whether       
D. eating        
D. unconsciously                
D. drowned       
D. sense         
D. much          
D. Consequently  
D. down          
D. stand         
D. ways          
D. As            
D. Definitely    
D. since         


       材料一 我国对台方针政策既是长期的历史经验的总结,也是不同时期具体现实的反映;既有历史的延续性,也有与时俱进的开创性……其中最为核心的基础在胡 * * * * 的四点意见中得到了高度的集中概括和总结。 ──《厦门日报》

       材料二 2008年12月15日,台湾海峡北线空中双向直达航路正式开通启用,这标志着两岸同胞期盼已久的直接、双向、全面空中通航变成现实。

       材料三  “想通了就通了。”吴伯雄在南京大学演讲时感性地表达他内心的欣慰之情,“一年来,两岸交流合作向前迈进了一大步,得来不易,但说容易也真容易。”他在此次大陆访问中还多次公开说:“我们共同走的方向非常正确,国民党一定会坚持这个正确的方向。” ──《新华网》2009年5月31日








