问题 填空题

Small dogs generally live longer than big dogs so that yappy Yorkshire terrier next door could be around for a long time. But body size isn’t the only factor that (36) how long dogs survive. Personality influences life span, too, according to a new study that might help explain how animal (37) evolve.
Research on animals from ants to apes has found that different (38) have different personalities. Some are timid, others (39) . Biologists have proposed that temperaments evolved along with life history. (40) , violent animals use a lot of energy fast in (41) short lives, the thinking goes, whereas calmer animals last longer, saving themselves to (42) later in life.
But it’s hard to run evolutionary (43) on these personalities in anything longer lived than a fruit fly. So evolutionary biologist Vincent Careau of Universit6 de Sherbrooke in Canada came up with an idea: dogs. "All these breed differences reflect an experiment on artificial selection," says Careau. (44) , but from generations of humans crossbreeding and selecting animals with traits---the ability to chase foxes into holes, or herd sheep, or sit attractively on a sofa.
But evolutionary physiologist Joseph Williams of Ohio State University in Columbus isn’t convinced that (45) . "For me, it still remains to be seen. Dogs are contrary to what you would expect in nature in terms of longevity," he says. Elephants live for decades, (46) . On the other hand, a Chihuahua will generally outlast a Saint Bernard.



解析:[听时猜测] 分析句子结构,如果animal是中心词,evolve则应该加s,可见确定此处缺少主语用animal修饰,所以需要填入一个名词。
[答题要诀] 语义推断题[考频:49] 。前文提到Personality influences life p,后文则表明新的研究可能有助于解释这一现象。本文重点讨论动物的性格是如何影响寿命的,可推测这一现象应该与动物的性格有关,所填名词应该与前面的personality是同义同。结合录音不难填出characters“性格”。


例如:设散列函数为Hash(Key)=Key mod 7,记录的关键字序列为15,14,21,87,97,293,35,24,149,19,63,16,103,77,5,153,145,356,51,68,705,453,建立的散列文件内容如图4-1所示。[图4-1]

为简化起见,散列文件的存储单位以内存单元表示。 函数InsertToHashTable(int NewElemKey)的功能是:将元素NewEIemKey插入散列桶中,若插入成功则返回0,否则返回-1。 采用的散列函数为Hash(NewElemKey)=NewElemKey % P,其中P为设定的基桶数目。 函数中使用的预定义符号如下: #define NULLKEY -1 /*散列桶的空闲单元标识*/ #define P 7 /*散列文件中基桶的数目*/ #define ITEMS 3 /*基桶和溢出桶的容量*/ typedef struct BucketNode{ /*基桶和溢出桶的类型定义*/ int KcyData[ITEMS]; struct BucketNode *Link; }BUCKET; BUCKET Bucket[P]; /*基桶空间定义*/[函数] int lnsertToHashTable(int NewElemKey){ /*将元素NewElemKey插入散列桶中,若插入成功则返回0,否则返回-1*/ /*设插入第一个元素前基桶的所有KeyData[]、Link域已分别初始化为NULLKEY、 NULL*/ int Index; /*基桶编号*/ int i,k;BUCKET *s,*front,*t;(1) ;for(i=0; i<ITEMS;i++)/*在基桶查找空闲单元,若找到则将元素存入*/ if(Bucket[Index].KeyData[i]=NULLKEY){ Bucket[Index].KeyData[i]=NewElemKey; break; }if( (2) ) return 0; /*若基桶已满,则在溢出桶中查找空闲单元,若找不到则申请新的溢出桶*/(3) ;t=Bucket[Index].Link;if(t!=NULL) {/*有溢出桶*/ while (t!=NULL){ for(k=0; k<ITEMS; k++) if(t->KeyData[k]=NULLKEY){/*在溢出桶链表中找到空闲单元*/ t->KeyData[k]=NewElemKey; break; }/*if*/ front=t; if( (4) )t=t->Link; else break; }/*while*/}/*if*/if( (5) ) {/*申请新溢出桶并将元素存入*/ s=(BUCKET*)malloe(sizeof(BUCKET)); if(!s) return-1; s->Link=NULL; for(k=0; k<ITEMS; k++) s->KeyData[k]=NULLKEY; s->KeyData[0]=NewElemKey; (6) ;}/*if*/ return 0; }/*InsertToHashTable*/
