问题 填空题

Glass, in one form or another, has long been in noble service to humans. As one of the most widely used of manufactured materials, and certainly the most versatile, it can be as imposing as a telescope mirror the width of a tennis court or as small and simple as a marble rolling across dirt.
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The uses of this adaptable material have been broadened dramatically by new technologies: glass fiber optics—more than eight million miles—carrying telephone and television signals across nations; glass ceramics serving as the nose cones of missiles and as crowns for teeth; tiny glass beads taking radiation doses inside the body to specific organs; even a new type of glass fashioned of nuclear waste in order to dispose of that unwanted material.
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On the horizon are optical computers. These could store programs and process information by means of light—pulses from tiny lasers—rather than electrons. And the pulses would travel over glass fibers, not copper wire. These machines could function hundreds of times faster than today’s electronic computers and hold vastly more information. Today fiber optics are used to obtain a clearer image of smaller and smaller objects than ever before—even bacterial viruses. Anew generation of optical instruments is emerging that can provide detailed imaging of the inner workings of cells. It is the surge in fiber optic use and in liquid crystal displays that has set the U. S. glass industry (a 16 billion dollar business employing some 150, 000 workers) to building new plants to meet demand.
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But not all the glass technology that touches our lives is ultra-modem. Consider the simple light bulb; at the turn of the century most light bulbs were hand blown, and the cost of one was equivalent to half a day’s pay for the average worker. In effect, the invention of the ribbon machine by Coming in the 1920s lighted a nation. The price of a bulb plunged. Small wonder that the machine has been called one of the great mechanical achievements of all time. Yet it is very simple: a narrow ribbon of molten glass travels over a moving belt of steel in which there are holes. The glass sags through the holes and into waiting moulds. Puffs of compressed air then shape the glass. In this way, the envelope of a light bulb is made by a single machine at the rate of 66,000 an hour, as compared with 1,200 a day produced by a team of four glassblowers.
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The secret of the versatility of glass lies in its interior structure. Although it is rigid, and thus like a solid, the atoms are arranged in a random disordered fashion, characteristic of a liquid. In the melting process, the atoms in the raw materials are disturbed from their normal position in the molecular structure; before they can find their way back to crystalline arrangements the glass cools. This looseness in molecular structure gives the material what engineers call tremendous "formability" which allows technicians to tailor glass to whatever they need.
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Today, scientists continue to experiment with new glass mixtures and building designers test their imaginations with applications of special types of glass. A London architect, Mike Davies, sees even more dramatic buildings using molecular chemistry. "Glass is the great building material of the future, the ’dynamic skin’," he said." Think of glass that has been treated to react to electric currents going through it, glass that will change from clear to opaque at the push of a button, that gives you instant curtains."
Think of how the tall buildings in New York could perform a symphony of colours as the glass in them is made to change colours instantly. Glass as instant curtains is available now, but the cost is exorbitant. As for the glass changing colours instantly, that may come true. Mike Davies’s vision may indeed be on the way to fulfillment.
[A] What makes glass so adaptable
[B] Architectural experiments with glass
[C] Glass art galleries flourish
[D] Exciting innovations in fiber optics
[E] A former glass technology
[F] New uses of glass



解析:该段第一句是主题句:今天,科学家继续用玻璃混合物做实验,建筑设计师用各种类型的玻璃来测试他们的想象力。后面通过Mike Davies的例子具体讲了玻璃在建筑材料中的应用,因此选B。


分析下列材料并回答问题   材料l   据国外学者研究:一国吸引外国直接投资与对外直接投资的平均比例,发达国家为l:1.4,发展中国家为l:0.13.按此比例测算,我国对外直接投资应有400亿美元以上,而实际却与之相差甚远.2002年中国是吸引外国直接投资最多的国家,而中国所有海外投资只占全球外国投资总额的不足0.3%.全世界每年国际工程承包的总金额在l万亿美元左右,我国只拿到l%多一点.   材料2   中国海外投资增长情况:   1991年:7.6亿美元;1994年:55.24亿美元;1999年:69.5亿美元;2002年:132亿美元   材料3   近年来,跨国公司国际生产一体化迅速发展并呈现出一些新特征:从全球生产价值链的角度合理配置资源.在竞争压力的影响下,跨国公司比任何时候都面临重要的选择,是内部化还是外部化,专业化还是多元化国际生产体系发展趋势之一是走专业化道路,集中资源加强核心竞争能力.在生产价值链的技术开发,产品制造和市场营销三大环节中,跨国公司更多的是抓两头,即紧紧抓住技术创新,技术标准制定和推广,新产品的开发和升级.同时,控制产品销售渠道,在品牌管理,市场营销甚至售后服务几个环节上不惜重金.而将原来一些由企业内部生产和经营的业务,以外包的形式从外部供应商处购买,使得根据供货合同,为客户提供商品和服务的合同制造商在国际生产体系中的作用凸显.   上述材料摘自《国际先驱导报》2003年9月26日   材料4   近年来,区域经济一体化趋势不断加强.而区域一体化,意味着对该区域非成员国的歧视.如果仍然依赖贸易,就会受贸易转移的影响,如果进人区域内投资,就可以受益于区域内部贸易的优惠条件.再者,进入到区域内投资,不仅可以享受优惠政策,也可以享受区域外对区域内投资的许多好处.此外,发达国家与一些发展中国有签订了援助协议,制定了很多贸易,投资方面的优惠政策.例如美国和非洲一些国家有协议,产品零关税.这种情况下,中国的台湾和香港,斯里兰卡,都到非洲这些国家去投资.中国大陆似乎还没有意识到这个机会.此外,欧盟和加勒比海,太平洋地区也签订了类似协议.这些协定给发展中国家提供了优惠,如果不利用,在产品竞争中就会处于劣势.   摘自《中华工商时报》2003年11月13日   请回答:

