问题 单项选择题

Starting with his review of Skinner’s Verbal Behavior, Noam Chomsky had led the psycholinguists who argue that man has developed an innate (天生的) capacity for dealing with the linguistic universals common to all languages. Experience and learning then provide only information about the (1) instances of those universal aspects of language which are needed to communicate with other people within a particular language (2) .

This linguistic approach (3) the view that language is built upon learned associations between words. What is learned is not strings of words per se (本身), but (4) rules that enable a speaker to (5) an infinite variety of novel sentences. (6) single words are learned as concepts: they do not stand in a one-to-one (7) with the particular thing signified, but (8) all members of a general class.

This view of the innate aspect of language learning is at first not readily (9) into existing psychological frameworks and (10) a challenge that has stimulated much thought and new research directions. Chomsky argues that a precondition for language development is the existence of certain principles "intrinsic (原有的) to the mind" that provide invariant structures (11) perceiving, learning and thinking. Language (12) all of these processes; thus its study (13) our theories of knowledge in general.

Basic to this model of language is the notion that a child’s learning of language is a kind of theory (14) . It’s thought to be accomplished (15) explicit instruction, (16) of intelligence level, at an early age when he is not capable of other complex (17) or motor achievements, and with relatively little reliable data to go on. (18) , the child constructs a theory of an ideal language which has broad (19) power. Chomsky argues that all children could not develop the same basic theory (20) it not for the innate existence of properties of mental organization which limit the possible properties of languages.













  五月,洋槐开花了。山山洼洼,坡坡冈冈,好(        )瑞雪初(        ),一片白茫茫。有的槐花抱在一起,远看像玉雕的圆球;有的槐花一条一条地挂满枝头,近看如新疆姑娘披(        )在肩头的小辫儿。“嗡嗡嗡……”小蜜蜂飞来了,采走了香的花粉,酿出了甜的蜜。“噼啪啪……”孩子们跑来了,篮儿挎走了白生生的槐花。中午,桌上就会摆出香喷(        )的槐花饭,清香、醇香、浓香……这时候连风儿打的旋儿都是香气扑鼻,整个槐乡都沉浸在香海中。     

  在洋槐开花的季节,无论哪位小朋友走进槐乡,他呀,准会被香气熏醉,摇摇晃晃地卧在槐花树下不想回家。(       )客的槐乡孩子就会把他拉到家中,请他美美地吃上一顿槐花饭。槐花饭是用精白粉拌槐花蒸的。若吃成的,就浇上麻油蒜泥和陈醋;若吃甜的,就撒上炒芝麻,拌上槐花蜜,可好吃了。小朋友临走时,槐乡的孩子还会送他一塑料袋蒸过晒干的槐花,外加一小罐清亮亮的槐花蜜。     

  五月,洋槐花开了,槐乡的小姑娘儿变得更俊俏。她们的衣襟上别着槐花,发辫上插着槐花,她们飘到哪里,哪里就会有一阵清香。小小子呢,衣裤的口袋里(         )的全是槐花,手上拿的还是槐花。他们大咧咧的,不住地往嘴里塞上一把,甜丝丝的,香喷喷的,真有口福呢。



(1)形容一望无边的白。(        ) 

(2)上衣或袍子的前半部分。(        ) 

(3)多比喻处于某种境界或思想活动中。(        ) 


      山山洼洼( AABB)____       __________________                 

      一条一条((ABAB)___          _________________

4.这篇文章表达了作者怎样的思想感情?          (        )

