干管与立管的连接,一般宜有两只以上的弯头连接。( )
设NA表示阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列叙述正确的是( )。
A.10 g氖气中所含的原子数为NA
B.9 g重水含有的电子数为5 NA
C.标准状况下,将22.4 L氯化氢气体溶于足量水中,溶液中含有的氯化氢分子数为NA
D.常温常压下,22 g CO2中含有NA个C=O键
A variety of illegal acts committed by people in the course of their employment, for their own personal gain, are collectively known as white-collar crime. Embezzlement, theft and trading securities (1) insider information are common forms of white-collar crime. The majority of cases involve low-level employees who steal because they are under (2) financial stress. Many plan to (3) the money back as soon as possible but may never do so. Their crimes are usually never (4) because the amounts of money are small, and no one notices the (5) .
(6) , there are some very large cases of white-collar crime, such as multimillion-dollar stock market or banking seams that take years to discover and are extremely difficult and expensive to (7) .
White-collar crime is not (8) to the business sector. Government employment, especially (9) the city level, also provides opportunities to (10) one’s pockets. (11) , building inspectors accept bribes and full-time employees receive (12) payments.
Although white-collar crime is less (13) than street crime, it involves (14) more money and harm to the public than crimes committed by street criminals. It is (15) that there are more criminals (16) the office suites than in the streets, yet the (17) of white-collar makes it difficult to uncover the offenses and pursue the offenders. As the economy (18) from manufacturing to services and electronic commerce, opportunities for white-collar crime (19) , while the technology needed to stop such crimes will (20) .